Food, causing irreparable harm to health

Food, causing irreparable harm to health
 Knowing that many products cause significant damage to health does not mean readiness to abandon them. Some do not believe until the end, while others prefer to live "tasty", but not for long, and still others believe that they will not touch these problems, not knowing that the body is already sick and needs help. Unfortunately, many people do not think about the fact that the constant use of some products can cause irreparable harm, if time does not change the attitude to your diet and taste preferences.

Everyone knows about the dangers of fried food. But there are groups of people who use roasted faces constant challenges. For example, people with various skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, acne, dermatitis. The predominance of fried foods in the diet of these people only worsens the condition of the gastrointestinal tract and skin. Fried foods are extremely harmful for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, and autoimmune diseases.

Oils and fats are not transferred to the intensive heat treatment, and completely decomposed during the preparation, releasing an enormous amount of free radicals and toxins which adversely affect the body. In addition to diseases of the skin, they can cause the development of atherosclerosis, cancer, diseases of the nervous system and liver. Fried food can be successfully replaced by boiled, baked, steamed. There are plenty of dishes that taste fried foods are not inferior, and the quality of its superior.

Another very harmful product - margarine. Those who remember well the 90s, can tell how popular were "sandwich margarines." Their main advantage was and is relatively low cost compared to the cost of the classical oil. On this list of advantages ends.

Margarine refers to trans fats, the constant use of which can cause irreparable damage to health. The margarine obtained by processing vegetable oil with hydrogen under pressure using catalysts. And the danger of trans fats such as time is to change the properties of the molecules of vegetable oil. Vegetable oil is converted into margarine because the molecules of oil change, becoming straight instead of curved, causing the oil solidifies.

Scientists have found that the direct trans molecules belonging to a human body, making a solid wall and the body's cells, which consist of fat. Consequently, the cells become less work, which leads to increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore it is better to prefer a sandwich with natural oil in a small amount for breakfast.

Another product of the harm that can be discussed separately - this sweetener. Sweeteners can be natural (e.g., fructose, sorbitol, xylitol) and synthetic. And those and others can cause significant and sometimes irreversible damage to human health. Many sweeteners increase appetite, ie contrary to the opinion that such sweeteners help fight obesity, they, on the contrary, contribute to obesity, making people eat much.

Some of the sweeteners, such as aspartame, can at least cause insomnia, depression, headache, allergy, diarrhea. Everyone knows that people with diabetes, sugar is contraindicated, so they use sugar substitutes. All the horror is that healthy people addicted to sugar substitutes can cause the development of diabetes.

When ingested sugar the pancreas secretes insulin, which helps to absorb glucose in the blood and nourish cells. When ingested sugar substitute insulin is produced initially, but can not find glucose. Over time, the body stops responding to the "sweetness" and the subsequent ingestion of natural sugar glucose is not absorbed into the bloodstream, resulting in cells no longer receive food, damaged blood vessels, nerves, various organs and tissues.

To limit the risk of disease, it is better to give up sugar substitutes or use them in small quantities. The problem is that in the modern food industry sweeteners are very widely used. Pay attention to the composition of the product. If you see that the structure includes E9 ... (that is, the number starts with a 9), be aware that this sweetener.

The human body is a very complex and logical system capable of self-healing, restoration and rejuvenation. Man must learn not to interfere with this process, and then he will be able to live much longer, having avoided a lot of serious diseases.

Tags: product, health, nutrition, loss, damage