Best vitamins for the body in the winter

Best vitamins for the body in the winter
 Winter vitamin deficiency is associated primarily with the lack of sufficient diet of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. Canned Food, unfortunately, can not replace them. That is why in the cold season is so important to watch your diet and try to make up for the lack of vitamins. Eating properly, you will be able to improve their health, get rid of the winter blues, and even become more attractive.
 In winter, the body's resistance to viral infections is reduced. This is due to the acute shortage of iron, calcium, copper, and vitamins C, E and Group B. In order to strengthen the immune system and forget about frequent colds, add in their daily menu foods containing the above vitamins. Especially useful are citrus fruits. The fact that they are rich in vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system and reduces the risk of colds. If you can not regularly eat oranges, tangerines and grapefruits, at least drink tea with lemon. With respect to vitamins, is rich of oatmeal, liver, meats and some other products. By the way, to strengthen the immune system is perfect and vitamin decoction prepared from the hips.

Lack of vitamins E and A bad impact on the hair and skin. In the winter time is especially important to fill the lack of them, to protect themselves from the piercing wind and frost. To maintain the beauty of hair and skin, drink broth hips, eat eggs, liver, dairy products. Vitamin E is also found in unrefined oil, tomatoes and cabbage, and vitamin A - in carrots, butter and bell peppers. In winter, it is recommended not only to use these products, but also to use special vitamin complexes.

 In the cold season, when the sun does not spoil the heat and light, there is a shortage of "summer" lack of vitamin D. It affects not only the health, but even on the mood. It is a vitamin D deficiency is one of the causes of winter depression. To solve this problem, you should eat cod liver oil, cheese, eggs, dairy products, as well as the use of fish oil. If you decide to use special preparations, be aware that vitamin D is absorbed better if you take it with food or tablets containing magnesium and calcium.

Tags: winters, lack of vitamin, the body, time, vitamna