B vitamins: what foods contain them?

B vitamins: what foods contain them?
 B vitamins, or a complex water-soluble vitamins are vital to everyone. Due to the fact that in the body, these substances do not accumulate useful, they must be contained in the daily diet of anyone who wants to be healthy.
 The human body is designed so that it is not without vitamins survive. These organic materials are an essential part of daily food, and the fact there are lots of reasons. Thus, vitamin B adjust the nervous system and brain cells involved in maintaining tissue respiration, help produce energy and are responsible for a harmonious emotional background. In addition, B-complex is indispensable in the fight against disease: SARS, influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia and even hepatitis. Appointed by the vitamins of the group and alcoholism, but in this case it is necessary to take their pills or injections, shock doses as alcohol, as well as nicotine and caffeine, B vitamins are destroyed, thereby undermining the body's resources.

For those who do not have serious health problems and beriberi, doctors recommend to maintain a daily balance of B vitamins with products containing them. When this feed should so far as possible to get along with B-complex food entirely as vitamins of the group are interconnected and in the absence of one component to lose its protective function. However, each of these twelve kinds of water-soluble organic substances contained in the most popular products which can be on a table in virtually all social groups.

Despite the fact that each of the B vitamins is important in its own, as a rule, only a few of hearing them. Thiamine, or vitamin B1, known as the first assistant in convulsions, he is responsible for converting carbohydrates and fats into energy, ie promotes activity. You can find it in the liver, nuts, cheese, various cereals and bread in the egg yolk. Exotic products are a source of B1 oysters.

Riboflavin, or B2 is contained in the same product, and B1, as well as milk and beer yeast, but provides other possibilities of human organism. He was appointed after strokes, heart attacks, headaches, loss of appetite and decreased libido.

Folic acid (B9) - the most famous of the B vitamins among pregnant women. It is responsible for the normal development of the fetus. As a rule, those who are preparing to become a mother, this vitamin is assigned a doctor in vitamins, ideally they should start taking three months before the planned pregnancy, or at least in the early stages. However, in addition to drugs, reaching lack of folic acid in the body can be and with the help of proper nutrition: eat more animal liver, germinated rice, wheat porridge, beans, cabbage, take the yeast.

All other B-complex vitamins are contained in almost the same products: milk, legumes, fish, poultry meat, chicken and beef liver, eggs, bread and cereals, cottage cheese, cheese, orange juice. Only inositol, vitamin B8, is produced by the human body alone.

Tags: Product, the acid, vitamin