7 important questions about the calories

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 Calorie - a unit of energy that carries any product. It turns out that the caloric content of food - this is the amount of energy needed to break down this food by the body. It is known that 1 gram of protein and carbohydrates contain 4 calories, but in 1 gram of fat - as much as 9. Knowing these figures, one can easily determine their dietary principles in accordance with the goals you want to achieve - to lose weight, eat healthy and useful food, build muscle.
 Today the table with a description of the nutritional value of the products can be easily found in the public domain. Therefore, difficulties in order to calculate the required daily energy ration no. It is especially important to count calories when you are going to lose weight. But before you go on a diet, many have several important questions about the calories.

1. What are the calories your body good? And what has the extra?

For the benefit, of course, are formed from amino acids of the protein. They are necessary for the smooth functioning of the organism. But if you consume an excessive amount of protein, the digestive organs (eg, liver) may be slightly stretched in size to accommodate a small number of "extra" amino acids. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose, which is necessary to maintain the health of all body cells. But we all know the fact that we consume more carbohydrates than necessary for our body. This means that most of them are "stored" in the body. As for fats, only 5% of the amount consumed is beneficial. A little more to the liver, turning in good cholesterol. Everything else is stored in the body.

2.What there is a minimum rate of calories to the daily diet?

Nutritionists and experts cross can not withdraw. After all, the minimum number of calories needed to man the day depends on many factors: the image of his life, physical activity, the formation of hormones in the body, thermogenesis, and so on. But it is possible to deduce the average value by dividing people into groups according to purpose. For example, for dieters mandatory calorie balance. If ingested more calories than you expend, you can say with certainty that the extra pounds are provided. After consumption of only 100 extra calories per day results in a set of 5 extra pounds a year.

3. How to calculate the required for a specific human daily requirement of calories?

This can be done using the formula: weight (in pounds) x14 - it is for women; weight (in pounds) x 15 - it is for men. 1 lb = 0, 453 kg. It turns a figure that is needed to maintain the body in a state in which it is now.

4. How to calculate the amount of calories needed to obtain and maintain an ideal weight?

Calculate the daily calorie intake to lose weight and maintain your ideal weight is easy. To do this, use the same formula is used to calculate the normal daily rate. That's only with the values ​​"actual weight" is necessary to substitute the value of "goal weight". For example, if a woman weighs 70 kg and want to lose weight up to 55, then it is necessary to substitute in the formula is the number 55. And then count calories daily rate received.

5. What are the minimum calories should get the body?

When the weight loss needed to avoid too low calorie food (less than 1200 calories per day), especially for a long period of time. Because such a diet is not only burn fat but also muscle. This can lead to uncontrolled hunger, slow the rate of metabolism and activation zhiroskladiruyuschego element.

6. What is the hidden and empty calories?

May be empty calories in foods with little nutritional value. For example, in a glass of fresh orange juice 120 calories, but there is also such useful substances such as vitamins and minerals. But in the same glass of soda also contains 120 calories and more useful nothing useful. This means that the calories in soda empty. Hidden calories are those that can not be calculated. For example, it is impossible to understand what was used in sausage hot dog or how much sugar homemade jam. Consumption of hidden calories, doctors are often compared with the food promiscuity.

7.What calories useful: those that were taken in the morning? or in the evening?

Of course, the calories contained in the foods eaten in the morning, much more useful than those that were in your body tonight. After all, the night the body does not waste energy. Therefore, organizing a dinner, try that it was not abundant and low-fat.

 Author: Shatokhina Anna

Tags: calorie product