In recent years, the incidence of diabetes in Russia increased several times. The main reason for the appearance neinsulinozavisimogo (acquired) type II diabetes - excessive consumption of products containing sugar. Many women in their quest to lose weight and give up sweets in the conventional sense of the word. But not everyone knows that sugar is contained in almost all foods. And if the dietary amount of sugar in them is not critical, for diabetics, does not take into account the hidden sugars, this fact can lead to irreversible consequences.
During the diet you should not lean on fruit, however useful they may be. In the sweet fruit contains a huge amount of fructose, which is the same fuel for the body, as well as refined sugar. And, hence, an excess overload fruit pancreas and can lead to several diseases. Small doses of sugar can be useful, but above the threshold it weakens the immune system, displaces valuable nutrients (chromium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, C, B12, folic acid), and destroying the teeth accelerates aging.
Many do not realize that even in salty or spicy dishes and products added refined sugar. For example, the usual beer snacks - crackers, chips, dried seafood - contain not only impact the amount of salt, but also a lot of sugar. Very savory mayonnaise, ketchup, sausage, mustard necessarily have as a part of refined sugar.
Simple carbohydrates are eventually broken down in the body into glucose, found in many foods - whole wheat bread, pasta, potatoes, beans.
To understand how much sugar you eat a "savory" products, carefully read the label of the product. Specified number of sugars divide by 4. And you will get the number of teaspoons of sugar, which is contained in this product. Believe me, the results can be stunning.