One of the most amazing medicinal properties Hibiscus - that it helps to normalize blood pressure and high blood pressure, and gipotonikam. How can this be? Very simple: use hot Hibiscus causes an increase in blood pressure, and if you drink a cold drink - the effect will be the opposite.
In the flowers of hibiscus contains quite a lot of citric acid. Due to this, in the heat of Hibiscus (even hot) very refreshing and helps fight colds and can also be used for the prevention of influenza.
Bright red hibiscus anthocyanins give - substances with P-vitamin activity. It is thanks to them that the infusion of hibiscus flowers has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, strengthening their walls. He has a slight diuretic and antispasmodic action.
Also in the flowers of the hibiscus contains flavonoids that help clean the body, contributing to the conclusion of metabolic products. When this begins to produce bile and better improves metabolism in general. By the way, this is what makes the infusion of hibiscus very popular remedy for a hangover.
But these healing properties of Hibiscus are not exhausted. He has a beneficial effect on the genitourinary tract and pancreas, improves peristalsis, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques, tones. And sometimes even the infusion of hibiscus used as an anthelmintic.
Despite the sour taste, hibiscus tea contains oxalic acid, which makes it safe for people with kidney disease. At the same time, there are a number of diseases in which to drink this drink is not recommended. First of all, it concerns patients with high acidity and gastric ulcer, and people with severely reduced pressure.