In nature, there are many varieties of sugar, but at home often can be found cane and sugar beet (sucrose), are present on each table in the form of white sugar or refined sugar. This type of sugar is considered more nutritious and less useful, especially when it comes to its large quantity. As it relates to a dual or disaccharide sugars, before be absorbed in the intestine, it is necessary using digestive enzymes to degrade the monosaccharides fructose and glucose. They are a source of energy for the body and in the undoubted benefits of sugar, but sugar is the cause of the loss of calcium from the bones, teeth and hair, and what is the harm of sugar. In addition, industrial sugar may contain carcinogenic substances that do not leave the place even with the use of low consumption of sugar.
Amongst other known types of grape sugar (glucose), fruit (fructose). They are simple sugars or monosaccharides and absorbed in the intestine unchanged. Their use is certain. Grape sugar is contained in almost all sweet fruits and berries, and vegetables. They also contain fruit and sugar.
Malt sugar (maltose) found in soy and nasturtium leaves. Since it is well absorbed in infants, as well as its milk sugar (lactose) found in milk used for sweetening and improving the nutritional value of the diluted cow's milk formula feeding. Maltose and lactose are double or disaccharide sugars and also assimilated only after splitting into monosaccharides.
It is worth noting that by refusing sugar can cause considerable harm to themselves, so it must be something to replace (dried fruits, fruit) or by using special technology, by expanding into fructose and glucose, prepare yourself.