In order to keep healthy, you first need to change the qualitative composition of the product.
Pork and other fatty meats and poultry are not too good for your health. More useful dietary meat turkey, chicken breast. Better yet, replace meat with fish. At least once a week on the table should be a marine fish fatty varieties such as mackerel, salmon or steelhead. At other times, it is desirable to use less fat, but just as useful varieties of fish like Hawk, hake, tilapia, pollock. Fish provides the body of omega-3 fatty acids, which help keep youth tissues.
Side dishes of pasta and potatoes, it is desirable to replace cereals and legumes. They contain protein supports the structure of tissues in tone. Have similar properties and nuts and seeds. But we must remember that while the usefulness of these products are high in calories enough. Therefore, the recommended rate of nuts or seeds for an adult should not exceed the amount placed in his hand.
Proper nutrition to strengthen the blood vessels is impossible without the proper amount of vitamins and minerals. Especially useful for vascular walls vitamin E, which is found in vegetables and fruits. You must use it in combination with vitamin C. In the summer it is currants, strawberries, raspberries, cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, greens sorrel, parsley, dill, salad. Winter diet more meager, but the onion, garlic, cabbage and carrots will be absorbed by the body much better than the usual pasta.
Meals for vessels depends on the consumed drinks. The most useful green tea and broth hips, vitamins which is huge.
Affect the health and way of cooking. From roast should be abandoned, formed during intense heat over high heat products harmful substances adversely affect not only the state of the vessels, but also on the entire body. For the same reason you should not abuse smoked and semi-finished.
The ideal way to cook - it steamer. We should not think that the dishes, steamed, too fresh. Even if you add a little sauce or oil directly into the prepared dish, the damage from this will be much less than what the product will initially be fried in deep fat.