The most dangerous of all the chemical elements that are usually added to the food vendors are preservatives, stabilizers and emulsifiers.
If you see a part of a product with the letter E - do not just scared. Yes, it is this letter to classify food supplements (the system has been developed for the European Union in 1953), but not all of them are a threat to the human body.
Under the letter E followed by a number 2xx in this system are located preservatives - perhaps the most popular nutritional supplements. These substances are designed to prevent an unpleasant taste and smell; they become unsafe if even slightly surpass the application of the rules of concentration.
Of course, to date, none of the scientists have not yet proved that some of them in one way or another involved in the development of various blood diseases. However, many dieticians still not recommended to eat foods, which is composed of, for example, sorbate, sodium or potassium sulfite - many of them getting into the body, may contribute to the development of rock-renal disease, asthma, dermatitis, disorders bowel, cause diseases of the nervous system and blood vessels. Preservatives are now found in most foods.
Under the symbol E4hh are located in a number of food additives stabilizers. Their role is to keep the consistency of the product, they act as thickeners. They are considered to be less dangerous than preservatives. Typically, stabilizers are used in meat products and semi-finished products, jams, dried soups. Although these supplements are not only synthetic but also natural, even organic stabilizers, not all are harmless. It is composed of nitrates and nitrites that are accumulating in the body to form new compounds can cause cancer.
Emulsifiers (they can be found in a number of letters under the E numbers 322-442 and 470-495) are also both synthetic and natural. Dietary considered harmless (which include egg, natural lecithin, which is produced from corn, pea, wheat and contain in some kinds of vegetable oils, and others). For synthetic, although they are allowed to use, set the daily rate, exceed that experts do not advise.
Appointment of emulsifiers - Do not connect products combine into a homogeneous mixture. The most dangerous is the E330 - the emulsifier causes cancer, some cause an upset stomach. Many emulsifiers may not be used in the food industry, but it does not mean that they can not you fall into one of the products on the shelf.
Of course, to completely abandon the use of products, which is composed of stabilizers, emulsifiers or preservatives, no one today can not. However, a little warn against this danger, perhaps, still stands.