Pine tar was known in ancient Egypt. Priests adds it to the balsam, which was impregnated with the mummy.Sap has incredible healing powers and the ability to delay the heaviest wounds. The inhabitants of our country, living in Siberia and the Urals, has long discovered this natural antiseptic. It was used to treat boils and septic wounds, burns and cuts.
Turpentine soaked bandage was applied to snake bites, diluted alcoholconiferous resin used with an ache in the back and lumbar pain. The smoke of burning turpentine prokurivali home, it helps to disinfect the premises. It was applied to the aching tooth to relieve pain and used inside - tuberculosis and pneumonia, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer. By the way, in the production of conventional patch that today we purchased in pharmacies, also usedsap, Which gives it healing and disinfecting properties. And the peoples of the Caucasus are traditionally made of it a special gum, which treated, purifies and strengthens teeth. During World War II, Siberian balm made from pine resin, is widely used in military hospitals. Impregnated bandages they protected the wound from infection, accelerates healing and stimulate tissue regeneration.
Preparations fromresin of coniferous trees have antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, blood-purifying, healing properties. They soothe the nervous system, reduce asthma, scorbutic manifestations, strengthen the cardiovascular system. The unique propertiesturpentine andapplication for the treatment and prevention of many diseases influenced the decision to create a turpentine balsam (a mixture of turpentine and pine nut oil), which would be accessible to a wide range of consumers.
First industrial harvestingturpentine in our country began to be conducted in 1932 in the Altai. In 1947, there were several large farms involved in the collection and processing of this valuable raw material. A method for producing pine tar fairly simple. On specially designated areas - plots - collectors of resin (professional name vzdymschiki) do on a tree trunk several parallel inclined notches. Bottom-mounted small capacity, which is going from flowing cuts resin. Oleoresin can flow throughout the summer, from one tree vzdymschiki receive up to two kilograms of pine tar for three months.
By the way, a well-known amber - also pine resin, only had time to crystallize over millions of years. Amber is a semi-precious minerals and has a rich range of colors - from gold and red to black. It is made not only jewelry: rings, bracelets and necklaces, but also various decorative items. Think of the world-famous Amber Room in Tsarskoye Selo, missing during the Second myrrh Won. In it everything from wall decoration to a small box was made of amber.
Oleoresins, treatmentdrugs based on it, and is widely used today. Pine resin is the most powerful natural antioxidant of all currently known. Recent scientific experiments have demonstrated that crystallized oleoresin can regenerate damaged tissue at the cellular level. This discovery only confirms the intuition of our ancestors used the resin of coniferous trees as a natural remedy for many diseases.
If you suffer from rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, gout, frequent upper respiratory tract infection, kidney disease or digestive system, you can use our tips JustLady women's magazine and myself to try the life-giving power of this unique drug. Contraindications for the use of resin does not exist, except for individual intolerance. To test their sensitivity, apply a few drops of resin on the inside of the elbow and wait a few hours. If there is no reaction in the form of redness or itching, you can safely start treatment.
Oleoresins, home treatment
Cold, herpes. Soaked in a mixture of resin with any vegetable oil cotton swab to apply the herpes sores for 20-25 minutes. Repeat every 2-4 hours. Resin fit any - fir, cedar, pine. With a cold and sore throat 2-3 times per day rassosite half a teaspoon of turpentine. After this is not eat or drink for 2 hours.
Peptic ulcer disease. In the morning, before eating, put under your tongue a small piece of pine or cedar turpentine, soak 8-10 minutes. The course of treatment - 1-1, 5 months.
Polyarthritis. Resin and any mixture of vegetable oil (1: 1), then polish diseased joints several times per day. The course of treatment - 2 weeks, then weekly rest, and again 2 weeks doing rubbing.
Fractures. In a saucepan, place the grated on a coarse grater onion, 4 tbsp. tablespoons vegetable oil, Art. spoon of copper sulphate and Art. spoon of gum, put the mixture on the heat and bring to a boil. Cool the mixture and applies as a compress on the fracture.
Male impotence. Pour a teaspoon of turpentine 500 grams of vodka and put in a dark place for 5 days. Eat to 3 tbsp. tablespoons twice a day before meals. God bless you!
Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady