Buying products, you should opt for fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs imported from regions where very early harvested the first crop. In stocks, which had been stored all winter in cellars and basements, virtually no vitamins, so these products is not possible to fill the missing material.
All fruit should be eaten fresh or steamed vegetables to retain maximum nutrients. If all salads dressed with olive oil, it will greatly enhance the absorption of vitamins and mineral substances in fruits and vegetables.
In the early spring there are young shoots of nettles, asparagus, goutweed, dandelion - is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. For the preparation you need to cut the greens, rinse thoroughly, pour over boiling water, salt, season with olive oil or soy sauce.
Nuts, whole grains, bran help to fill in the body of B vitamins, clean the digestive tract of toxins. Beans, spinach, seafood make up a magnesium deficiency, increases the overall tone. Milk and milk products contain a variety of essential nutrients and with a lack of calcium.
Rational eating, do not forget that vitamin deficiency can not be cured only with the products. If a blood test showed a lack of vitamins and minerals should take a multivitamin complexes, prescribed by the doctor. This will help as quickly as possible to remedy the lack of all necessary materials and feel much more energetic.