Diet products, increases hemoglobin

Diet products, increases hemoglobin
 Hemoglobin - a part of the blood pigment that is necessary for normal blood flow and oxygen delivery to the tissues and internal organs. It is found in red blood cells, red blood cells. Poor diet, lack in the diet of meat and fish are often the cause of lowering the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which leads to the development of iron deficiency anemia.
 Normal hemoglobin content is considered to be 110-165 g per 1 liter of blood, the values ​​above or below this level could indicate a serious illness or become their cause. Reduced hemoglobin levels and a lack of red blood cells is often caused by poor diet, lack in the diet of foods rich in iron.

When did you feel the first symptoms of anemia - lethargy, weakness, frequent dizziness, do not wait, take action and revise their menus. Eating foods that increase the hemoglobin, in a week you will feel a noticeable improvement in their condition. However, these improvements were noticeable on the results of a blood test, will have to wait 3-4 weeks.

To prevent anemia developed hematogen, sold in pharmacies. Begin to use it, eating on the tile in the day. But also natural diet products, increases hemoglobin and iron-containing, available to everyone.

Every day at your desk should be present meat, fish and vegetables, as part of which a lot of iron: beef and pork liver, lean red meat, poultry, seafood and fish. Enough of this mineral is found in cereals, oatmeal, buckwheat, soy products and legumes, brown bread and fresh herbs.

Of fruits and vegetables may be advisable beets, carrots, lettuce, dried fruits, nuts, apples, apricots, persimmons, kiwi, pineapple guava, pomegranate. Vegetables should be consumed in a shabby with vegetable oils for better absorption. Will help the body to assimilate quickly it needs iron plant foods high in vitamin C. This citrus fruits, kiwi, black currant, raspberry, rose, and vegetables - cabbage and celery.

And another little secret: the reduced level of hemoglobin give up, at least temporarily, from the frequent use of coffee and tea. They contain a lot of tannin, which prevents complete absorption of iron in the blood.

Tags: blood, hemoglobin, product level, anemia treatment