Cocoa - a storehouse of nutrients. It includes vitamins A, E, PP, B vitamins and a variety of trace elements. For example, cocoa contains large amounts of iron and zinc. Cocoa also contains melanin, which protects against the sun's rays. Contained in the composition of cocoa potassium makes this product useful for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. A flavanol antioxidant improves brain function and enhances cerebral circulation. Therefore, doctors recommend eating cocoa people with poor blood flow of the brain.
Cocoa contains substances that are useful for skin. This theobromine and theophylline. These agents provide a lifting effect through the activation of biochemical reactions of the skin.
Especially valuable is the cocoa butter. It is produced by molding of chocolate fruit tree. Initially, the resulting mass is solid, but melts at 350C. This feature ensures that the chocolate is so nice melts in your mouth.
Cocoa butter contains linoleic acid, vitamin F and polyphenols. The first two components promote moisture retention in the skin and regulate fat metabolism. Thus, the cocoa butter can be used as oily and dry skin. Vitamin F together with the polyphenols, which are antioxidants, care about preserving youthful skin.
Cocoa butter can be used in the fight against colds. To get rid of cough should drink 100 ml of milk, which was dissolved in half a teaspoon of cocoa butter. A bronchitis will be useful chest massage with this oil.
For dull and thin hair will not superfluous mask, which consists of two tablespoons of cocoa butter and a teaspoon of brandy. The mask is applied to the hair roots. To enhance the effect you need it to massage the scalp. Stand 10-15 minutes and wash off with shampoo. This mask is made once or twice a week, will help to improve blood circulation of the scalp and nourish hair useful substances.