Women's beauty depends on the menstrual cycle?

Women's beauty depends on the menstrual cycle?
 Especially beautiful woman becomes fertile days - the conclusion made by scientists, a number of studies. This means that the woman's menstrual cycle is directly reflected in its appearance.

Based on these studies, it is easy to calculate, in what period of her cycle a woman is especially beautiful and healthy. So, if we take a 28-day payment cycle, then the woman will look as follows:

From the first to the fifth day ladies mood changes like a roller coaster - up and down. In tissues retained liquid - 0, 5 to 2, 5 liters, and this inevitably leads to a set of extra pounds loss and attractiveness. And what is most offensive, exercise for the correction at this point is completely useless. It is best to close the house and meditate. And for men ideal - to hide somewhere. Or at least not to irritate his woman, even if it is for him now is not an attractive object.

From the sixth to the twelfth day, the body begins to prepare for ovulation. Woman's mood gradually rises, the skin is smoothed, beauty begins to return. At this point, the lady already can sometimes remember what it is - desirable woman, and flirt.

From the thirteenth to the sixteenth day the woman is ovulating. And this, according to the researchers, the heyday of her beauty. Again, mood swings, but they are not violent, so men do not strain. Since this period is recommended to drink more, the skin is saturated with water, it becomes smooth and elastic. Disappear even cellulite!

From the seventeenth to the twenty-eighth day, again all on the decline. The efficiency decreases, metabolism slows, may even appear pimples and rashes on the skin that a woman does not add optimism. The thyroid gland reduces the production of the hormones that are responsible for the vitality and appearance. The skin starts to dry. A week before menses again there is a delay in the body fluid, from this manifested bags of the eye, port complexion.

Tags: skin, beauty, ovulation, health, appearance, phase, cycle