What is hypoxia

What is hypoxia
 Oxygen enters the body in the process of respiration. With its help in the cells produce energy necessary for normal functioning of all organs and systems. If the tissue loses oxygen, occurs anoxia or hypoxia. As it appears, and what its dangers?
 Hypoxia - a pathological condition in which the oxygen content in tissues is significantly reduced. To oxygen starvation most sensitive central nervous system, heart, liver and kidneys. In acute hypoxia their function is impaired in chronic - develop irreversible changes.

Cause hypoxia may be a lack of oxygen in the air, as well as respiratory dysfunction resulting from broncho-pulmonary diseases, injuries, genetic disease, etc. However, even if oxygen enters the body in a sufficient amount, the cells may receive less because of its anemia, intoxication or cardiovascular disease.

Acute hypoxia, which arose as a result of blood loss or breathing disorders exhibiting increased anxiety, palpitations and pale skin. If assistance is not provided in a timely manner, to the listed symptoms added drowsiness, dizziness, confusion and delirium.

When oxygen enters the body in sufficient quantities, but for whatever reason it does not reach the organs and tissues in the right amount, and so it goes on for a long time, talking about chronic hypoxia. In this case, the patient feels fatigue that persists even after a long rest, and shortness of breath that occurs as at the slightest exertion and at rest. In addition, over time, signs of violation of the central nervous system: the deterioration of attention and memory, decreased muscle tone, reflexes extinction.

Hypoxia treatment should be comprehensive. In mild cases are shown walking in the fresh air and the use of oxygen cocktails. In severe - for improving carried oxygen therapy - inhalation of the gas mixture, which contains a large amount of oxygen. In addition, the mandatory must fight disease exacerbate hypoxia.

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