What foods contain fiber

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 Fiber - a plexus of vegetable fiber. Fiber is very important for our body. In particular, useful for gastro-intestinal tract. Doctors recommend for constipation to eat more fiber. It improves intestinal motility, removes cholesterol, toxins from the body. It's no wonder it's called "orderly" intestines. Those who want to lose weight, especially need fiber, because when used, it creates a feeling of satiety, and a person eats less food, which is very important for weight loss. And even in the prevention of cancer tissue plays an important role.

Fiber is found in fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits. Especially a lot of it in all kinds of cabbage, radishes, carrots, mushrooms, asparagus, parsley, apples, bananas, peaches, pineapples, grapes. During heat treatment, the amount of dietary fiber is significantly reduced. So you need to eat more fruits and vegetables fresh. It is also important not to clean fruits and vegetables from the skin, such as apples, radishes, cucumbers.
Also there is a lot of fiber in legumes: beans, peas, lentils, beans, soy products in.
In whole unprocessed grains and cereals contain fiber. Include in your daily diet of porridge from whole grains (oats, buckwheat), unprocessed rice.

If you use dried fruits (apricots, prunes, raisins), it is also good replenish your body with fiber.

Contains fiber and nuts. Therefore, it is important as often as possible in a small amount to eat walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds. For example, it is useful to have breakfast porridge with the addition of dried fruits and nuts.

Eat not white sdobny bread and bran, wholemeal, with a variety of seeds and grains. After all, the bread we eat every day, and it is a good source of fiber.

Also sold in stores bread, which include cereals and grains. Loaves are rice, buckwheat, wheat, oat. They also contain high amounts of fiber.

On the shelves there is a huge selection of cereals - and with dried fruits, and seeds, and nuts.

Wheat, rye and rice bran are an excellent source of fiber. It is recommended to use 30 minutes before meals 2 times a day for 1 teaspoon, gradually increasing to 1 tablespoon. Bran can be purchased at the pharmacy.

It has become fashionable and useful to add to salads with fresh vegetables and herbs flax seeds and pumpkin seeds, which are very rich in fiber.

Be sure to eat foods that contain fiber, and you will avoid many diseases.

Tags: product content, fiber