Traditional recipes purgation

Traditional recipes purgation
 Cleansing the body is recommended to start with the bowel, perform one of the most important functions in the body. Clean the intestines and can be at home with the help of popular recipes. An added bonus would be the loss of one or two extra pounds. However, before cleaning, consult your doctor and avoid possible contraindications.


One of the oldest popular ways to clean the bowel at home - enema. This procedure can be carried out using boiled water with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, one tablespoon per gallon of water. Good use of herbs and extracts - chamomile, sage or other. Two liters of prepared liquid pour into a mug Esmarch and secure it at an altitude of 1, 5 meter and enter the contents of the colon. During the procedure, it is recommended to relax the stomach and mouth breathing.

Schedule cleansing enema: in the first week - every day, in the second - in a day, in the third - three days, then - once a week.


For the first method of cleansing the colon using herbs you need seeds of anise, fennel, cumin, coriander and fennel. These plants help to effectively withdraw toxins and have a positive effect on the stomach and liver. Eat grass seeds need in the evening, one tablespoon, with a little water.

For the second method of bowel cleansing is necessary to prepare an infusion of a mixture of eucalyptus, buckthorn, chamomile and helichrysum: 1 tablespoon per cup of water. Infusion take over the day - half a glass every three hours. In the evening, it is recommended to do a cleansing enema.

The day after the cleaning procedures recommended eating cereals and dairy products.

Salt water

Effective means for cleansing the colon - salt water. Prepare salt water - 1 tablespoon of salt per liter of warm water. In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of salt water and four times do the following exercises:
- Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, hands up, be sure to follow the slopes of the left and right, then - turns;
- Lie on your stomach, pelvis slightly lift, turn back the body in different directions, trying to see the heel of the other foot;
- Sit down on his haunches and makes a turn to the left and right, dropping to the floor knee.

After bouts of exercise, drink a glass of water next and repeat the exercise. All you have to drink six glasses of salt water. When will urge - go to the toilet. After defecation is recommended not to wipe and wash, otherwise the salt will corrode the skin.

Eat in a day of atonement is not recommended, and the next day it is desirable to arrange a fasting day on boiled rice.

Beet cake

Excellent for cleaning the intestines - beetroot cake. Rub on the finest grater one average beets, squeeze out the juice and pomace roll small balls. These beads are 4-5 pieces should be swallowed half an hour before a meal without chewing. Beet juice drink for the night. In addition to cleansing the colon, this method helps to control high blood pressure.

Tags: enema, bowel, cleansing recipe, cleaning