Struggling with a constant sleepiness: several working methods

Struggling with a constant sleepiness: several working methods
 Drowsiness can be a serious obstacle to effective your work or study. Sometimes it is not solved by increasing the duration of sleep - the problem may be deeper and faster you will understand its causes, the sooner you will feel better.

Drowsiness associated with lifestyle

Most often, the constant desire to sleep outside normal hours for this is due to the wrong way of life. Think you enough sleep at night. The average adult human being is necessary for the normal 7-8 hours of sleep a night. If you sleep less, you most likely will get tired quickly and regularly feel sleepy. To combat the lack of sleep, consider that sleep should be one of your priorities - it depends on the health and performance. Try not to put off until late in the evening or interesting things to entertainment - it can make you go later. If you are forced to wake up at night, for example, due to feeding a young child, increase their rate of compulsory sleep for at least an hour. Also during the day, use an additional tool to stimulate the body - physical activity. It should not be exhausting - well suited, for example, walking in a calm pace. A short walk during your lunch break will help you feel more energetic during the second half of the day. It is also good to do exercises after awakening.

Drowsiness may be seasonal. In this case, try to eat more vegetables and fruits, and if necessary, take vitamins.

In special situations are those who are forced to work at night or in shifts. Them to get rid of sleepiness to properly carry out his dream in the daytime. Sleep better in silence, in a cool room with drawn curtains or with a mask on her eyes.

Sometimes it can lead to drowsiness and excessive, improperly organized sleep. For example, people who regularly sleep during the day, may encounter that night he did not want to sleep. Because of this, he washes awake most of the night and stay asleep in the morning. Itself naps is not harmful if it does not violate the rhythm of the night. In the reverse situation should donate a day of rest for a restful night.

Drowsiness can be caused by diet. For example, after too hearty dinner you can tend to sleep. If this happens, try to eat less at lunch, and in the event of hunger to arrange a dinner snack. To do this well suited dried fruit or granola bars with. Also, paradoxically, excessive sleepiness and fatigue can cause excessive consumption of caffeine. If you drink three cups of coffee a day, and your fatigue does not decrease, reduce the amount of caffeine and chocolate.

In some situations cause drowsiness and lethargy are due to lack of oxygen. Regularly ventilate your apartment and office space, even in winter, and try to keep the air temperature does not exceed 22-23 degrees.

Not to catch a cold when you sleep in the cool, wear warm pajamas with long trousers and sleeves.

Drowsiness as a symptom of the disease

If your sleepiness and fatigue is not related to a way of life, it can be a symptom of any disease. One of the dangerous conditions, which may be a symptom of sleepiness - a sleep apnea, or sudden respiratory arrest. If you have a significant weight and you snore regularly, then together with sleepiness, this means that you are at risk. Consult a physician - he can with the help of special tests to check whether you suffer apnea. Sometimes you can get rid of apnea, just to lose weight, but in other cases, the doctor will recommend a special mask to facilitate breathing during sleep.

Struggling with a constant sleepiness: several working methods

Another cause drowsiness may be iron deficiency anemia. Identify this state, a simple blood test. Treatment prescribed by a doctor, but mild anemia simply change the diet - eat more meat products from the liver and mussels.

Drowsiness may be related to problems with the thyroid gland. This condition is often accompanied by rapid weight gain. To solve this problem can only be a doctor, appointing hormones individually dosed. Has similar symptoms and diabetes. It can reveal the analysis on blood sugar levels. Especially this is to remember during pregnancy - constant fatigue may be a sign of a specific gestational diabetes, which should take place after the birth itself, but in which a woman in need of correction power and monitoring by a doctor.

In the absence of the above health problems and lifestyle drowsiness may indicate chronic fatigue syndrome. This is indicated by a long lethargy, there is a constant for a few months. Specific treatment for this disease is not present, but it can be corrected in the right way of life. Talk to your doctor about the recommended diet and physical activity in this disease.

Tags: fatigue problem, the way a sense of constant, sleep, sleepiness, alertness