Qigong and Nutrition

Qigong and Nutrition
 Qigong - is an ancient Chinese system of self-regulation of the body, which consists of special physical exercises, breathing exercises and meditation. Qigong can be seen as a way of life, an integral component of which is a special meal.

Power Qigong is based on the use of the five flavors: spicy, bitter, sour, sweet and salty. They are at a harmonious combination strengthens our body or destroy it with abuse. According to the teachings of the ancient sages harmonious blend of five flavors in the diet Qigong promotes proper circulation of vital energy qi, as well as strong bones, tendons elasticity, easy breathing and health of the circulatory system.

Salty foods have on human soft relaxing effect, normalize the exchange of fluids and are a health food for those who have a sick spleen. Salinity in the teaching qigong believe beans, soybeans, chestnuts, millet, peas, barley, pork, a variety of seafood. These foods should be avoided in diseases of the bones, kidneys and blood.

Sour taste plays an important role in the heart and circulatory system. He, according to traditional Chinese cuisine, is in beans, leeks, sweet onions, plum, cheese, chicken and lots of berries. However, acidic foods should not be abused those who suffer from diseases of the tendons and the liver.

Bitter foods tones the body, it has a strengthening effect and is extremely useful for light. To the bitter foods include wheat, Chinese onion, asparagus, broccoli, apricots, lamb. Large quantities of bitter food can harm people with diseases of the heart and bones.

Sweet taste has a smooth, harmonizing effect and very good for the liver. Sweet foods in ancient China believed korotkozerny rice, beef, sunflower seeds, honey, cherries, walnuts and dates. However, these treats can not get involved in diseases of the spleen, pancreas and muscle.

Spicy foods increase the flow of life energy qi, improve circulation and contribute to a healthier kidneys. Among the most critical products include spices, turnips, cabbage, rice, peaches, Welsh onion. Spicy food should not be abused people with lung diseases and respiratory failure.

The main part of the diet in a food system Qigong constitute cereals and vegetables, but also meat diet plays a significant role in the body's qi energy. Avoid long-storage products, and subjected to the deep and prolonged treatment. Food should retain its original flavor, so cook it should be fast, not razvarivaya not perezharivaya.

You can be skeptical of "taste" component of medical qigong diet, but one can not deny its benefits to people who want to normalize the metabolism or simply lose weight. Just look at this list of products to ensure the full combination of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the system of health food. Healthy nutrition qigong also contributes to the removal of residues from the body and normalize metabolism.

Tags: nutrition, substance exchange, Qigong