Intimate discomfort. Never mind all the women?

Intimate discomfort. Never mind all the women?
 So, you are faced with this delicate and very unpleasant problem. Itching, irritation, dryness, discomfort. All this can not work in peace or do household chores. Intimacy with a loved brings pleasure and even hurts ... This disaster is not it? Try to understand this intimate questions, because not always you can discuss it even with friends.

Causes of trouble

The most common cause is the use of antibiotics. The fact that antibiotics are quite illegible, and killed as "harmful" microorganisms causing various diseases and "useful", is an important link in the defense system of the human body. Thus vagina useful antibiotics inhibit lactobacilli which generate lactic acid and thereby produce a physiological acidic environment. The acidic pH of the vagina is a protective factor and inhibits the growth of "outsiders" germs. When the reduced number of lactobacilli, the medium no longer be acidic, and it promotes the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

No less common cause of vaginal discomfort (and partly a consequence of the first) is so familiar to most women's status as thrush (vaginal candidiasis). When this place is occupied by lactobacilli fungi. But the fact is that even if you get rid of the fungus special preparations from yeast, unpleasant symptoms persist for some time. This is due to the fact that the vagina is not fully recovered from myocardial inflammation, and its own lactobacilli "grow" have not yet.

Quite often the cause of intimate discomfort is hormonal imbalance, but rather a decrease in levels of the female hubbub of estrogen, which stimulates the production of natural lubrication vaginal glands. Therefore, vaginal dryness, often begins after menopause, when the level of this hormone is reduced. Do young women may meet this condition after giving birth, when estrogen levels are reduced and does not return to normal until the woman is breastfeeding, which may cause vaginal discomfort. Also occur during pregnancy hormonal changes in the body, and reduces local immunity in the vagina, so a woman, waiting for the child can face this delicate problem.

What to do?

To protect against intimate discomfort is necessary to use special vaginal gels. This gel should:

1. To have an acidic pH.
2. Quickly remove the unpleasant symptoms and well moisturize the mucous.
3. contain additional components that have therapeutic and preventive action.

Fortunately, there is a means, meets all these requirements. Therapeutic and prophylactic gels Ginokomfort® designed specifically to eliminate all unpleasant symptoms of vaginal discomfort and prevent further occurrence of exacerbations.

Gels Ginokomfort®:

- Quickly and reliably eliminate the irritation, itching and vaginal dryness;
- Contribute to the normalization of natural microflora and maintain an acidic pH;
- Restore the mucous after antibiotic treatment and recovering from thrush;
- Give a long lasting feeling of moisture and comfort;
- Have anti-inflammatory effect and accelerate healing microdamages.

In case of unpleasant symptoms: irritation, itching, burning and dryness - useGinokomfort® gel with essential oils of tea tree. It has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties and is used in the recovery period after the treatment with antibiotics and antifungal drugs. Also Ginokomfort® gel with tea tree oil is recommended for getting rid of the discomfort that occurs during pregnancy or after childbirth.

Intimate discomfort. Never mind all the women?

After all the symptoms reminiscent of discomfort passed, useGinokomfort® gel extract mallow. In addition to anti-inflammatory, it has the effect of shielding and maintains the natural defense of the vagina. Gel Ginokomfort® mallow extract suitable for permanent use as preventive care mucosa, prone to irritation and dryness.

Intimate discomfort. Never mind all the women?

Gels Ginokomfort® contain only natural ingredients and have no side effects.

Using gels Ginokomfort® will allow all of the unpleasant symptoms, give a sense of calm and intimate harmony.

Tags: antibiotic, gender, pregnancy, Ambassador, forum, yeast extract, health, recovery, hormone, review, dryness, treatment, estrogen, mallow, vagina, discomfort