How to remove toxins and waste products from the body

How to remove toxins and waste products from the body
 In modern conditions of life of the organism contamination is inevitable. Food of questionable quality, the replacement of natural ingredients with preservatives and stabilizers, poor environment and unhealthy lifestyle lead to the emergence of chronic diseases.
 Contaminated intestine is the "culprit" unhealthy complexion, metabolic disorders, difficulty absorption of nutrients, etc. To get rid of toxins, toxins and other products decay necessary. Accumulated over the years, they can cause deadly diseases, disorders of cell tissue structure.

To begin to give up, which creates favorable conditions for the delay of waste products - from fatty and sugary foods. Paving the oily film of the intestinal wall, disrupting the activities of the villi, fats create a favorable environment for the accumulation of pathogens, causing a person begins to suffer from dysbiosis. Remove from the diet of fatty foods, add water and vegetables, and you'll see how to change your health. At the same time get rid of extra pounds.

Fasting days - a great way to express intestinal cleansing. Enough to sit on a rigid diet per day (buckwheat, rice or oatmeal), and you will free your body from some of the toxins. A weekly practice of fasting days will help to fix the result.

To cleanse useful to satisfy your body with antioxidants - including their beneficial properties have the ability to bind and remove harmful substances and waste. Green tea, taking fish oil or other drugs prescribed course will help boost the body's defenses.

Sauna and steam bath will help bring the excess fluid and free time - as part of the detoxification program, these procedures are very effective. Combine hiking in the steam room with anti-cellulite massage, purifying mask and herbal medicine - will benefit more.

Of all the fruits and vegetables, choose those that normalize the activity of the intestine: apples, bananas, peaches, carrots, beets, etc. Getting better digestion with the help of herbal reception to improve intestinal motility, laxative medicines and complexes, special means for improving the enzymatic activity.

Required Exercise - physical activity is the normalization of the digestive organs, and sweating helps to eliminate toxins through the pores of the skin.

Tags: body cleansing, toxins, toxins