Food for diabetes

Food for diabetes
 Play an important role in the life of a proper diet of people with diabetes - a disease associated with metabolic disorders. Because pancreatic dysfunction reduces its production of insulin - a hormone responsible for glucose uptake by the human body. Naturally, the sugar begins to accumulate in the blood, and this can lead to very unpleasant consequences for the person. That is why diabetics should observe a strict diet, eating only approved products in this disease.

People suffering from diabetes, it is recommended to take in food is predominantly black or rye bread with added bran or cereal, and not more than 200g per day.

Pasta and legumes in the diet of diabetics should be present only occasionally, in small quantities.

Useful in diabetes are buckwheat and oatmeal. Millet and pearl barley is also impossible to delete from the diet. But on the ladle for people suffering from diabetes, it is better to forget.

Allowed food for diabetes considered lean meat, poultry and fish boiled or as the filler, not more than 150g per day.

Useful for diabetics are predominantly vegetable soups. But a couple of times a week and allowed to eat soups, cooked on low fish or meat broth.

Virtually no restrictions for people suffering from diabetes, can be eaten cooked or fresh vegetables such as lettuce, cabbage, radishes, zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes. But with the potatoes, carrots and beets diabetics should be careful. Eating them preferably not more than 200g per day.

Allowed for people with diabetes products are considered berries and fruit sour and sweet and sour varieties, such as oranges, lemons, cranberries, red currants.

Diabetics can not eat more than two eggs per day, and may be in the form omelettes, scrambled or as part of other dishes.

Only with a doctor's permission People with diabetes can eat milk. But dairy products such as yogurt, unsweetened yogurt and buttermilk are absolutely harmless. It is very rare and little diabetics can feast on cheese, sour cream and cream.

The product, which is recommended to use in diabetes on a daily basis - it's cheese. And it can be in-kind, and as cheesecakes, cheesecake, baked. This product has a positive effect on the liver and improves fat metabolism.

Allowed for diabetes such drinks as black and green tea, tomato juice, weak coffee, juice of sour grapes and fruit.

Eat diabetic often desirable, 5-6 times a day at the same time.

Tags: product, diabetes, nutrition, diabetic