Delayed menstruation for 10 days? It's time to go to the doctor!

Delayed menstruation for 10 days? It's time to go to the doctor!
 Any violation of the menstrual cycle in women is understandable excitement: failures, delays, or unusual changes in the duration of painful menstruation body can indicate health problems or natural adjustment. Delayed menstruation for 5 days or less is considered normal if the same cycle is extended by more than 10 days, you must take action.

Reasons for the delay menstruation

The average menstrual cycle is 28-30 days, the cycle time of more than 35 days is considered abnormal. The long delay may be due either to natural causes, and with a variety of diseases, usually gynecologic or endocrine. Therefore, the reasons for the delay menstruation can be divided into two large groups. One of these groups includes physiological reasons, to include a second abnormal factors.

Sometimes isolated and the third group, which includes psychogenic causes increase menstrual cycle length - jitters, overexertion, prolonged stress. In this case, the stress can be both negative and positive - we know that strong positive emotions, long experienced, have on the body as a whole not less impact than the intensity of the negative psychological impact.

Physiological reasons

Missed period - one of the main signs of pregnancy. Sometimes to a lack of menstruation join-like symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (pain in the lower abdomen, pain and breast tenderness, malaise), but this should not serve as a pretext for inaction - the first signs of pregnancy and PMS symptoms are very similar to each other.

Long delay menstruation in women in the presence of a more or less regular sex life is always a reason for a pregnancy test or visiting the doctor, especially if in the last 4-5 weeks at least one sexual intercourse was unprotected. Even if you had unprotected sex a few days before the last menstrual period, occurring within the period to exclude pregnancy as a reason for the delay is impossible.

Frequent delays menstruation in adolescents due to the natural instability of hormonal background. On average, for the establishment of a regular menstrual cycle requires at least a year during this period duration can range from 21 days to 35 days and more.

Increasing the length of the menstrual cycle, possibly after the abolition of the use of the contraceptive pill or emergency contraceptive.

The complete absence of menstrual periods or irregular cycle characteristic of the period of lactation. In addition, after the end of breastfeeding may also experience a long delay - a regular cycle is set for 1-2 months.

Delay menstruation, constituting more than 10 days, may be indicative of the approach of menopause. Usually after 45 years of the cycle increases, and the duration of menstruation is reduced - this indicates the beginning of the period prior to menopause.

Other physiological reasons for the delay menstruation include:
- Overweight or underweight;
- Increased physical activity;
- Unbalanced diet, adherence to strict diets;
- Iron deficiency anemia.

Pathological causes

Missed period may indicate gynecological diseases. It may be:
- Polycystic ovary syndrome;
- Ovarian or uterine tumors, both benign and malignant;
- Endometriosis;
- Endometritis;
- Inflammatory diseases of the ovary.

Delayed menstruation is also observed after artificial or spontaneous abortion.

Also characterized by disruption of the menstrual cycle for the following pathological conditions and diseases:
- Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system;
- Infectious diseases (influenza, SARS);
- Endocrine diseases (diabetes, thyroid dysfunction);
- Other chronic diseases (gastritis, kidney disease).

Sometimes the delay menstruation becomes the result of certain medications, especially anti-ulcer, diuretic, hormonal and cytotoxic drugs and antidepressants.

Delayed menstruation for 10 days? It's time to go to the doctor!

Chronic intoxication (including alcohol or drug use, heavy smoking) can crash the menstrual cycle or even cessation of menses.

Necessary measures

If there is reason to suspect the possibility of pregnancy, the first thing you should do when there is a delay of more than 5 days - take a pregnancy test. To avoid false-negative or false-positive results is better to do two tests with an interval of at least a day, while carefully following the instructions. Tests are advised to purchase in different pharmacies to avoid distortion of the results related to the violation of the conditions of storage.

If the tests show positive results, it is necessary to solve the problem of maintaining pregnancy and depending on it to see a doctor for the performance of abortions or for registration of the pregnancy and the appointment of the necessary tests.
With negative results need to analyze their own way of life, listen to your own body - it is important not to miss the warning signs. Access to a doctor in any case should not be put off, even if the general condition is not violated.

Tags: it's time, a doctor, monthly, delay menstruation, lack of reason, day