Cranberry juice: useful properties, composition

Cranberry juice: useful properties, composition
 Red berry bogs - cranberry - has long been prized for its medicinal properties. This tart berry - a real treasure of the northern forests, because it is rich in vitamins those in which most of the human body needs for normal life. Cranberries are harvested in the autumn and spring in swampy areas near lakes, peat moss forests. In ancient Russia cranberries is not for nothing called "berry youth."

This small berry juice contains, as part of which the glucose and fructose, citric, malic, benzoic acid and ursolic pectin. The chemical composition closely resembles cranberry drug or multivitamin complex. It contains iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, boron, manganese, silver, phosphorus, and vitamins C and K, PP, B1, B2.

Useful properties of cranberry juice a lot. Firstly, this is the first vehicle from the spring beriberi. Secondly, cranberry juice has a pronounced antimicrobial action, which helps in the treatment of infectious and viral diseases. Earlier this miracle juice and berries treated wounds and burns, which are then very quickly healed. Cranberry juice contains large amounts of antioxidants, which prolongs the youth of the body and its systems. Because of a member of the cranberry phenol, it is useful to use the inhabitants of areas with poor environment.

Cranberry juice drink is useful in diseases of the urinary system, digestive problems. It also normalizes metabolic processes in the body, establishes the activities of many systems. Cranberry juice normalizes the amount of sugar in the body, so it is recommended to drink for diabetics.

Cranberry helps with problems of the oral cavity - it disinfects wounds and sores on the oral mucosa and helps reduce the appearance of periodontal disease and reduces the risk of tooth decay. Cranberry juice displays the body of toxins, fights bad bacteria that cause various diseases.

Juice, juice, cranberry jelly - all increase the body's resistance to various diseases, improves brain activity, has anti-stress effect on the nervous system. No modern energy drink can not be compared with the use and effect on the body of cranberry juice.

Despite the usefulness of cranberry juice, it has some contraindications. Cranberry juice is not recommended to drink with gastric ulcers, liver and duodenum.

How to cook cranberry juice? It cooking juice from ripe berries just as in immature not provide sufficient nutrients and vitamins. Cranberries are usually not washed before making juice out of it. Berries just need a good bust. Fresh cranberries can be slightly warmed in the microwave, so it is better to give juices. Berries should knead and shift in gauze. Squeeze the juice through cheesecloth, strain, add sugar or sugar syrup. To prepare cranberry juice for the winter, it should pour a small sterilized jars and roll up their caps. So natural medicine will you have on hand and in the winter.

Tags: stomach juice, cranberry, feature, structure