Written notice to all employees, which you plan to involve. Get them written consent. If you have to bring to work on a holiday due to the emergency, emergencies, if the country under martial law, it is necessary to eliminate man-made disasters or accidents, you have the right to draw the whole mix of people without getting written consent. But in accordance with Article 259 number may not be involved to work on weekends and holidays for pregnant women and young people.
To bring to an emergency and emergency staff works with children under three years old, single with children under 5 years of caring for the sick and elderly, you should be sure to obtain written consent.
After notification and consent complete your order. In the header of the document, specify the "Order of the holidays." Next, write: what about a holiday, all the days that will work to involve employees, department number, and subdivisions, all employees by name, form of payment, select all articles labor laws that guide you, and should involve public holidays.
If employees work during the holidays according to the schedule in a continuous production process, then issue an order of the holidays is not necessary (article number 113 of the LC RF). Also, there is no need to obtain written consent.
In accounting file a notice with a list of employees for payment of all holidays in double amount, if not work expressed a desire to receive additional written weekends.