Useful if running in the morning?

Useful if running in the morning?
 Many people, without having to wake up, start your day with a morning run. You need to know that the body after sleeping in a state of shock. All vital processes have been slowed, and after waking up the body needs to run once all the organs and return to the normal rhythm. The startup process is not always easy given the body, so before jogging should take into account a number of factors.

Before you start jogging should ensure that health is at an appropriate level. Need to take some precautions, ie pass a comprehensive examination and consult with a sports instructor. Some people after waking observed palpitations, increased pressure, increased temperature and metabolic rate. Running in the morning is a good choice if you want to temper your body. It is not necessary to make jogging, if you suffer from hypertension or heart failure.

Before running eat an apple or drink water with honey to maintain the level of sugar in the body. Try to find a mate, a partner will be liable to the additional stimulus, together will be fun and psychologically easier. Should think about buying a subscription to the hall, where there is cardio and treadmills. Money spent on a visit to the hall will be an additional incentive. Winter will be more convenient to deal with it in the gym.

Try to run where the cleanest air. This can be a forest, stadium or nearby. Alternate jogging with walking, do not try to escape as quickly as possible. If the body is tired, then do not try it, and it is better to stop, but the next time a little to increase the load, extend the time for running. Necessarily after a workout, take a warm shower, which will restore circulation.

Start running with minimum speed. This will help prepare the body. Then, if your goal - to lose weight, use a short acceleration. To improve immunity ideal option Buda jogging in which the shortness of breath is minimal.

Load more heals considered running in the evenings. The body is at the peak of their ability to live and not waste energy on awakening. If you can not lift yourself in the morning in bed, it is better to go for a run in the evening, accustomed themselves to the loads. And then go for a morning jog.

Tags: morning, Ambassador, evening use, running, awakening