Running: how to organize training

Running: how to organize training
 Physical exercise in the fresh air is much more useful lessons in stuffy rooms. Jogging - it's a good cardio, and the fight against excess weight. But to run only brought benefits, it is necessary to organize training.
 Time for jogging your pick - no need to stick to stereotypes and to train in the morning. Biorhythms all people are different, and perhaps your time day or night.

Before you start jogging is not recommended to eat and drink. Need to arrange a snack after a workout. And do not limit yourself in the fluid, dehydration - this is not your way to weight loss.

Clothing for jogging choose from natural fabrics, leather to breathe. Of shoes are best suited quality sneakers. Do not try to save money on athletic shoes - cheap running shoes can cause calluses and pain in the legs.

Once outside, do not try to immediately run. First, do some warm up exercises - squats and jumps. Walk briskly. Gradually, go to jogging, and after 2-3 minutes accelerates to the optimal rate.

Watch for breathing. Need to breathe nose, exhale - mouth. Breathing should not be frequent, but profound. Listen to your body: how have just started to choke - it is a signal to the end of the workout. First, go to the slower pace of the run, then - on walking.

Do not attempt to immediately establish high load or bind to a specific training course. Gradually increase the distance, focusing on their health. If you overload your body during the first run, you have to take a break. And after him - start all over again. And on the emotional mood failure will affect badly.

The mistake many beginners - excessive muscle tension during the run. The body should be in good shape, but not overstretched, or after your workout will get sick all the muscles.

Find a good incentive for training. He'll need some time later, when the first enthusiasm discharged. Set a goal - to lose weight or improve endurance. If you see the real approach to this goal, to force myself to run is not necessary.

Enjoy running. City people often do not have enough light exercise and muscle miss them. Feel how your body is filled with energy and you want to continue to exercise constantly.

Tags: training, running, jogging