I go to aerobics

I go to
 What is aerobics? This word is very optimistic and cheerful, the same attractive, beautiful legs as a girl, her thin waist and flat stomach. This concept is rhythm and sound of clear, smooth body movements under joyful energetic tune ...
 ... So, we go to aerobics. So where do we start? Our whole life consists of trifles. Uncomfortable shoes or forgotten in the locker room fitness club towel spoil not only training, but may even discourage aerobics. So let us all Let us examine the small things.


Firstly, you need to pass medical tests. This is to avoid a variety of injuries. You've come to the fitness club to improve your health and not to experiment. On the advice of experienced doctors you will pick yourself exactly the type of load that is suitable for you.


Pay attention to your shoes for aerobics. First of all, it must be you "meet" their appearance. Shoes for training should give confidence and strength, improve mood and desire to play sports.

However, for this your shoes should be not only beautiful, but also have other qualities that please not only your eyes but also your feet:

• There should be no obstacles to the movement of the foot.
• cushioning the impact load on the spine and joints.
• For each sport - certain footwear with its manufacturing base is calculated on the specific interaction with the surface.

Running shoes are designed for fitness and walking - it's not the same thing. In the shoes for aerobics, you can safely engage in the gym, but attend aerobics classes in sneakers with no load on the joints you have does not work.

Do not forget that learning to dance is better to have a few pairs of sneakers. They should be made taking into account the movement of the foot while dancing. When lifting on socks and pirouette your foot must be much more freedom than when driving a step platform.

Thus, if the shoes for aerobics classes can only restrict the movement in a dance class, very soft shoes for dance classes you inflict damage to your health in the classroom Step-aerobics class or base Low Impact.

Excellent sports shoes - it's easy around and of course, it must be created from special components in time to take the excess moisture, otherwise you can just rub your feet.

It is good that there are friendly brands. They take care of all the nuances, so the store this company you need to ask the consultant show you the regiment with sneakers that are designed for aerobics. Then choose from the entire range of the pair of shoes that will have you on the size and the soul.
But whatever may be the comfort of your shoes for aerobics, it has not been created for you to wear it on your bare feet!


First of all, your clothes should not interfere with your movements, excellent output moisture and bring only pleasure.

Shopping sportswear - this occupation is not only pleasant, but very useful. Buying fashion clothes, you will be pleased to visit the gym in these clothes.

What you should bring:
1. Towel.
2. The non-carbonated mineral water.
3. Excellent mood.

Do you want a positive result from aerobics? But it needs to work, but do not perceive their studies as serving hard labor for an extra bun eaten. Since each lesson aerobics makes you even more, and your heart will be the most resilient and healthy.

Also, there is an improvement in posture. Muscles begin to catch up, and the body gets beautiful shape. And it shows, believe me, not only to you. Optimistic on the positive and good mood - this is the beginning of your success!

And more ...

Before aerobic exercise necessarily need to be trained.
Attend lessons that fit your fitness.
Do not be late for class.
Turn off the mobile phone.
Do not use strong perfumes.
Do not suddenly disappear from classes.
Clean up your equipment after aerobics.

Additional sources:

  • I go to aerobics
 Author: Irina News

Tags: aerobics