Gifts for diamond wedding

Gifts for diamond wedding
 "My grandmother and grandfather beside so many years, how many years together ..." Hand in hand for many years. And happiness, and the difficulties these people have always shared equally, and had lived in perfect harmony long, though sometimes difficult life away. Met once, they swore to each other eternal love and managed to carry this light feeling through life. Days smoothly flows into months and years, children have grown up, and then grandchildren ... And now - on the threshold of the 60th anniversary of marriage of two loving hearts, the most that neither is a diamond wedding ...  

The tables, the youngest representatives of big happy family quietly repeated unlearning specially for the anniversary of the favorite "Grandma and Grandpa" unpretentious congratulations, new guests arrive ...

Stop! And do they know invited that and how to give people who are over the entire 60 years (for the current young generation - the figure is just fantastic !!!) faithfully kept a promise to each other "to be together and in love, and sorrow ..." ?

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when choosing a gift for such a significant event - a product with diamonds. Pure, noble and hard, like a family relationship "precious heroes of the day." But you must agree, in the current economic reality is not everyone can afford to teach even the most dear and loved ones close relatives of this royal gift. We hasten to reassure those who count on more modest than the cost of expensive jewelry, money. You can opt for a decorative thing, buckles, pins or cufflinks decorated with rhinestones - cubic zirconia. Perfect as a gift and crystal.

From favorite grandchildren and great-grandchildren happy couple, celebrating the 60th anniversary of marriage, would be nice to get a family photo album. Suppose that on the first page will be posted photos about the first years lived together anniversaries. And further, page by page, before their eyes again, as if for a moment, will sweep all life - the day of the wedding, the birth of children, grandchildren, golden wedding ... In a word - the most memorable and cherished moments you can fit in a single album.

And in the end it is impossible not to mention one interesting tradition of "diamond anniversary" of marriage. From that day wedding rings anniversaries are considered a family heirloom and must go to inheritance grandchildren and great-grandchildren, has not yet met their fate. And "the newlyweds with experience" instead of presents new rings, which they can exchange directly at the ceremony, in the presence of guests, once again vowing to love and loyalty to each other. It is not necessary that the new symbols of fidelity and family life, which will put on the ring finger of the right hand anniversaries were encrusted with diamonds. The most important thing, as you know - the attention, not the number of zeros on the price tag ...

Tags: wedding gift