The most influential women in the world

The most influential women in the world
 Undoubtedly, the most influential people in the world - men. But for fragile women in today's world there is a place, and not only in the modern. One has only to remember Cleopatra and Princess Olga, Catherine the Great and Queen Victoria. Women were at the head of countries held important government positions were ambassadors, as well as the "gray cardinal".
 In XX century, one of the most influential women was Margaret Thatcher. From 1979 to 1990 she was the Prime Minister of Great Britain - the first woman to occupy such a high position in Europe. For criticizing the foreign policy of the Soviet Union got its second name - "Iron Lady". Thatcher has made an enormous contribution to the history of the world in the development of the UK, has taken a number of important decisions in the social sphere, the economy and education, address issues of domestic and foreign policy. All eleven years of his tenure as prime minister was unbending and unyielding true Englishwoman.

A few women occupied the post of prime minister in different countries. They were very influential ladies, depended on them economy and political situation in the country, they solved the problems of war and peace. The first woman in the world with this status - Sirimavo Bandaranaike. It three times in the period from 1960 to 2000, was the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. The second woman prime minister - Indira Gandhi. Twice elected Prime Minister of India (1966-1977, 1980-1984). The third in the list of Golda Meir. From 1969 to 1974 served as prime minister of Israel.

The second most influential after Margaret Thatcher could be called US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. From 1994 to 2000, Albright was not only the most influential woman in the United States, but also, perhaps, the most powerful lady in the world. With her name is associated with the outbreak of hostilities in the Balkans. And as she is credited with the phrase Siberia. The meaning of the statement was that such a vast and rich territory should not belong to the state.

Closes the top three among influential women Angela Merkel. In 2005 she was elected to the post of Federal Chancellor of Germany. Of modern women politicians that affect the international community, Merkel has been ranked the second - the wife of former US President Clinton, and the third is given to the wife of the current US President, Michelle Obama.

In addition to these senior ladies, political commentator notes Forbs still some very powerful women: Queen Elizabeth II, President of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez, President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff, and from former influential lady recently took Condoleezza Rice (former US Secretary of State).

Tags: planets, politician, prime minister woman