History of occurrence crochet

History of occurrence crochet
 Crochet for many centuries does not lose its popularity. Unlike our grandparents, thanks to the Internet, we have access to the books on knitting all peoples of the world, and we can spend the evening at least over the Irish lace, though over amigurumi - newfangled fad Japanese knitting trinkets in the form of amusing animals. We can say that crochet is popular all over the world, but still wondering when and where it originated.

While scientists can not reach a consensus on this matter. There is a version that crochet was known in those days, which describes Homer in his "Odyssey". As is known, in anticipation of the Odyssey Penelope weaving headdress and night to dissolve needlework. However, William Felkin, who wrote in the 19th century work of the occurrence of a stocking, suggested that it was just an unfortunate mistake interpreter and not Penelope weaving fabric and knit it. In fact, dissolve tissue per night so that no one suspected, it is impossible, but knitting - completely. However, this is only speculation.

On the extant Egyptian paintings and frescoes Egyptians depicted in tight dresses that were clearly related. And in one of the tombs of the Pharaohs was found children's socks! It is known that in the IV-V centuries. BC on the territory of East knitting was widespread. On the territory of the New World knitting originated even earlier - the oldest knitted things are dated III century BC

In the IX century knitting came to Europe, where he immediately got their own fans among the nobility. So, the royals and their courtiers were popular knitted stockings. At this time, mainly engaged in knitting men and women trust only work part-time.

In Russia, widespread knitting received at the end of the 19th century, but to engage them were women. Hooks at that time were made of metal, pointed at one end. Scheme is not used, and tied ready products. The most popular motifs in our ancestors were floral and geometric shapes.

Tags: hook, history, knitting, origin, occurrence