Family life Dmitry Kharatyan

Family life Dmitry Kharatyan
 Dmitry Kharatyan lucky to be born with the appearance of "eternal boy", and until now, many see it only brave Alyosha Korsakov and does not believe that the popular actor already turned 50.  

Mature age has changed the attitude Haratyan, and now the actor admits that gives priority to family values, his wife and children.

But he was not always so. Dmitry married for the first time in the years of the student body at his classmate at Schepkinskoe School - Marina. Recalls the actor himself, he was not ready for marriage, he was at that time a lot more like self-actualization than cozy family evenings. He and Marina are not suited to each other in character and temperament, but all the same pair for several years sought to keep the family together.

Could not 24-year-old father to experience the full joy of fatherhood, and when in 1984 a daughter Sasha. Externally Haratyan sought to carry out all the functions and responsibilities of an exemplary husband and father, but internally very bored by their lack of freedom. In addition to this, Dmitry became a frequent drinking. The first wife left Haratyan just a few months before befallen actor fame after the release of the legendary "Naval cadets." In fact, Dmitry repeated act that could not forgive his father left the family when her daughter was only 4 years.

But Haratyan believes that his happiness today would not be possible without this painful experience. Both husband and wife, separated, found their real happiness. It was the first family warned against many mistakes, learn to appreciate the good.

New marriage was formed later, when Dmitry already knew he wanted out of life, and others, may be why Dmitry and his second wife, ironically also Marina, and also an actress, have been together for 14 years. In the second family had a son, Dmitri, Ivan.

Now children Haratyan quite adults. The daughter did not go to his father's footsteps and became an economist, but Dad still holds with Alexandra at least a few days of vacation. 13-year-old Ivan has already started an acting career.

Dmitry does not believe that children should always be like him. He respects their freedom of choice and personal qualities. The main educational reception Haratyan father believes his own example.

The new wife Marina actor found a real ideal of femininity and gentleness, and tour schedule, forcing him to wait sometimes weeks and months a new meeting with the beloved, does not give spouses grow cold and tired of each other.

Tags: family, life, Dmitry, Haratyan