Sports: perform exercises at home

Sports: perform exercises at home
 Want to have a beautiful figure, both men and women, but not everyone is ready for her to spend a few hours a week on the campaign and the gym. Today developed many exercises to improve the body, and many of them it is possible to do at home without special sports equipment.
 Play sports - means spending at least three to four hours a week for exercise. Because of this you can not only improve the shape, but also keep the body in good shape, get good health and vigor and vitality to enjoy every day.

Before you begin to work on individual muscle groups, be sure to warm up. It is necessary to muscles warmed up a bit, and joined in the work without the risk of damaging them. After five minutes of warm-up time comes to give the body cardio. It includes all activities that accelerate the heart rate, which in turn leads to an active fat burning. You can, for example, to perform fifty jumps at a fast pace or five minutes to run in place. Now you warmed up a little sweat, so it's time to train the muscles.

Stand facing the wall, lean on her hands so that the palms were at the level of your shoulders. Perform push-ups from the wall, standing on tiptoes and while keeping the back straight and stomach tightened.

Make from thirty to one hundred sit-ups, depending on your ability. It is important to do them slowly. Remember that deep squats with a focus on heel impact on the rear surface of the thighs and buttocks, on the same socks - on the front.

Proceed to the press. Lie on the floor, bend your legs and put your hands behind your head. Lift the housing first flat, without taking his feet off the floor, then diagonally, pulling elbow to the opposite knee. Perform at least fifty repetitions.

Lie on your side, lean on his hand, free will expose slightly forward to balance. Raise the outstretched legs up, tearing them from the floor to thirty centimeters. This exercise will help to strengthen the sides and to create a waist and thigh tightened, both the external and the internal side.

For this exercise, you can add any of those that find in sports magazines or on the Internet. Check out the training can be the same or jumping rope work, then pay five minutes of stretching.

During a workout, take short breaks. For best results, do the exercises in three sets of 8-10 reps. In addition, be sure to drink pure water - no less than half a liter per half-hour workout.

Tags: house, occupation, exercise, sport