How to make a shapely legs for a week

How to make a shapely legs for a week
 Beautiful slim legs - the dream of every woman and every man sighs thing. How to achieve this seductive harmony of the female body, if you have left not much time?

Sedentary lifestyle, nutrition and violation of sedentary work day after day transform the dream of a slender legs in unattainable. At some point, it may seem that you will be able to help only a miracle. But your desire for beauty and a desire to become the owner of slender legs are much stronger fairy wand, because it's always with you and is able to make the dream a reality.

If you realize that slimming legs are ready now to move mountains, do not rush to sit on a strict diet, or hunger strike. Firstly, it does not help to make a more complete thin legs, and secondly, you risk infringing metabolism than aggravate their situation. Ration your food must be balanced!

But the key to slimming your legs - are physical exercises that you can perform at home. Making them regularly, 2 times a day, is already the second week you will be able to see the result of their labors.

1. For this exercise, you'll need a chair (or open the door) and a low bench. Become straight, feet shoulder width apart. Hold hands on the back of a chair or the handles on the open door and start slowly sit down so low as to touch the booty bench. Do not need to sit down - touching, slowly start lifting. When you squat and rise count to 10. Repeat this exercise 5 times.

2.Lyagte to side, bending the lower leg at the knee and place your opposite hand on the floor. The second hand will keep your head. Counting to ten, slowly lift the top leg off the floor about 80 degrees. Lower the leg and slowly counting to 10. Repeat exercise 5 times.

3. For this exercise, you will need to bench height of 30 cm, or other supports such a height, as well as the weighting weight 0, 5 kg. Secure the weighting on the right shin. Stand up straight, then bend forward and down so that the lean hands on the bench. Count to 10, slowly lift the leg with the weighting agent, bending it at the knee. Lower leg and slowly counting to 10. Make exercise 5 times for each leg.

4.Vstante face to the wall, take a towel, fold it and put it under the roller foot. Leaning against the wall with his hands, slowly rising on tiptoes for a count of 10. In this case, your heel should touch the roller. Then again, count to 10 and return to starting position. Repeat 5 times.

Additionally, for shapely legs can do the exercise, called "Walking on the buttocks." This exercise not only makes your legs over the line taut, but also corrects the shape of the buttocks, making them more attractive and resilient.

To perform this exercise, you need to sit on the floor, stretch your legs and start to "walk on the buttocks," moving the legs forward and then backward. Do the exercise, starting with the 100 steps back - back. Gradually increase the number of steps.

Adding exercise procedure of anti-cellulite body wraps and massages, you speed up the process of improving your feet. And very soon see an excellent result.

Tags: leg, week, buttocks, exercise, harmony, walking