How to increase the thighs and buttocks

How to increase the thighs and buttocks
 Buttocks and thighs are the most delicious parts of a female, and not only the woman's body. Therefore, people who are watching them, paying as much time exploring these parts in the gym. But it is not always a problem with the fifth point and hips - this is the problem of large volumes, which in whatever was necessary to remove. Sometimes, the volume at the hips and buttocks just yet sorely lacking.
 Not every girl got on the nature appetizing forms that just something you need to maintain supple and taut condition. Slender young ladies with flat buttocks and thighs thin, of course, not to be envied. But all fixable.

So, how to add volume to the hips and buttocks? There are three ways. The first - to sit on high-calorie diet. Of course, in this case, the amount be added not only in the right places, especially if you lean on buns with honey, not paying attention to physical stress.

The second option - glyuteoplastika. This plastic surgery, during which with the help of implants increased buttocks and change their shape. Unfortunately, there are times when glyuteoplastika remains the only way for a person seeking to have a beautiful figure.

The third option, of course, sports. Develop the glutes, hips and pull pump is not as difficult as it seems. Suffice it to a properly sized set of exercises and regular exercise.

Exercises to strengthen the capacity of the buttocks and thighs are very simple. Basically it is a variety of lunges, squats with weights and without them. Will also be a good tool simulators: Rowing, stationary bike and others. The most important thing - it regularly. Engage in need 3-4 times a week for at least forty minutes.

Why not every day? Because the muscles do not grow during exercise, and between them. And in any case, should not neglect stretching before and after exercise, or run the risk of injury, which will make you forget about the beautiful figure.

By the way, in order to accelerate the process of building a pleasant roundness, and should reconsider your diet. At least - in the direction of increasing protein products. Most high-quality protein is found in lean meats and poultry. Make it a rule to eat in a day at least a piece of chicken breast.

With a little effort, and thighs to the buttocks will get the desired volume. And you can say "hello" slinky dress, and proudly show others a great figure and appetizing forms.

Tags: buttocks, diet, hip, exercise glyuteoplastika