How to get a good stretch

How to get a good stretch
 Good stretching is needed not only to those involved in sports. Exercises that improve the flexibility of the body and stretch the muscles, useful for everyone. They stimulate the flow of blood to all parts of the body, which increases energy and tone the body, elevates mood. Returning home after a troublesome day's work, you can stretch your muscles and thus will remove accumulated tension.
 Stretching is better to spend the evening at this time, it will be most effective. Exercises are performed in a warm room. Not bad, if you face it in the shower or steam out a little soak in a warm bath.

Before stretching necessarily do a little workout, your muscles warmed up. You can run, make the slopes, sit-ups, several times up and down the stairs to get up and down on a bench with her, etc. If the home have any exercise equipment, you can work out for five minutes on them.

Keep in mind that each exercise is at least 30 seconds and several approaches. Each movement should be slow, and the load shall be increased gradually. Reaching a maximum tension of the muscles, stay in the selected position and then return to the starting position. Do not try to stretch through force if felt pain immediately reduce stress. And one very important rule: do stretching regularly.

A set of exercises can be very different and depend on what you want to stretch the muscles. Pay attention to some of them.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and raise your hands above your head. Stretch without lifting your heels off the floor. Then lean forward, trying to touch your fingers to the floor or shoes.

Raised his hands above his head turns down to the opposite hip.

Get one arm back down to the blades, and the other bend over your head and pull down towards the rear first. Try to connect with both hands in a "lock".

Stand up straight and then take one leg thrust far forward. The other leg straight. Try to squat so that the knee straight leg was as close as possible to the floor. The same is true with the other leg.

Put one foot on a stool or chair. Keep your back straight, lean forward as far as possible. Then change legs. Start with a low stand, gradually increasing its height.

From supine bend the left leg and pull it up and to the right side; Do the same with the right foot.

Sit on the floor and bend your knees; connect the foot. Lean forward as low as possible, keeping your back straight, try to lower the knees.

Lying on his stomach, with an emphasis on hands and forearms slowly raise your head and shoulders up. Arches his back. During each subsequent workout, try to gradually increase the time during which you keep your back arched in shape, number of repetitions, and the deflection angle of the torso off the floor.

Sit on a chair to the back side. Without moving your feet, turn the torso and grasp the back of both hands. Head and shoulders need to be deployed so that you feel tension in the muscles. And then take turns to the other side.

Turn your head to the left as much as possible, return to starting position, and then turn it just right. You should feel resistance to the muscles.

Within a few months your stretching will improve. You will achieve a level of flexibility, dreamed, but if you want your body to stay well, keep doing stretching exercises every day.

Tags: muscle stretching, exercise