Exercises with expanders

Exercises with expanders
 On a beautiful and toned figure every woman dreams, which nature has endowed curvaceous. Those who are lucky enough, and the excess chocolate has no effect on the extent of their hips and waist, this article will also be able to gather information as well as exercises with expanders not only allow people to lose weight, but also to give the muscles a sports appeal. Women's magazine JustLady not be responsible for the entire universe, but to help a real woman to win over themselves - is within our grasp.

Many believe that the passion for a healthy lifestyle - fun quite expensive, and this explains some of its rejection of the gym. Women's Site JustLady talk about the undeservedly forgotten, extremely efficient, compact and low-cost simulator. Available virtually all, it will help make the figure more attractive, and the muscles toned. Take a little timeexercises with expandersAnd the result will satisfy even the most particular and hasty.

All expanders are divided into two groups. Depending on what principle lies at the heart of the mechanism of force, compression and share expanders expanders stretching. Journal JustLady offers a set of exercises designed to ensure that strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, thighs, and press. We giveexercises with expanders shock absorber type, namely, with a rubber band. This is the easiest and most affordable expander, while its efficiency is high enough.

Exercises with expanders

Any exercise at the gym require warming up the muscles. Easy workout with good music will be useful and body, and soul. Both during the warm-up, and performing exercises with expanders, monitor traffic, make them smoothly and accurately. Training time depends on your physical condition. The most problematic area for many women - buttocks, thighs and stomach, so we give exercises on these muscle groups.

Exercises with expanders for buttocks

1. Stand - Standing. Auxiliary projectile - chair. Tie ribbon ankle Expander, stand facing the back of the chair. Stomach in, buttocks clenched. Taps leg back. Sock stupid. The height from the floor to the sock - about 20 centimeters. Return the leg to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each leg.

2. Start out - The same. Do not forget the socks, stomach and buttocks. Sock with exercises for buttocks always blunt, stomach in, and buttocks clenched. Left leg take aside. Return the leg to the starting position. Mahi perform 10 times with each leg. This exercise is effective not only for the buttocks, but also to strengthen the muscles of the inner thigh.

3. Start out - On his knees and elbows. Tape expander lock in the middle of the foot and, stretching from the back over the shoulders, hold in their hands. Leg, which is fixed expander without straightening, pick up so that the thigh is parallel to the floor. In other words, the thigh is coplanar with the body. Stop while aimed at the ceiling. Sock "dumb." Lower leg bent at the knee to the starting position. For each legexercises with expanders Repeat 10 times.

Exercises with expanders for hips

1. Stand - Lying on his back. Put a rubber band expander-half. Pull your leg bent at the knee to the chest. The second leg is on the floor. In the loop, enter the foot. Slowly, six accounts, straighten the leg. No need to "pull" the sock. Foot "stupid." Exercises are performed 10 times on each leg.

2. Start out - Lying on his back. Band Expander tie ankle. Straight leg raise. Both feet are directed at the ceiling, legs and torso are at right angles. Hands lie along the body. If you have problems with the spine can put your hands under your buttocks. In this position, splay and legs.

3. Start out - As in the previous exercise. Take the left leg to the side, right side, however, remains in place. Return left leg to the starting position. Take your right leg to the side, the left remains in place. As a result, should have 20 swings. Powerexercises with expanders much more efficient than similar exercises without load.

4. Start out - Standing. Legs - wider than shoulder width. Stand on the band expander. The free ends of the ribbon take in hand. Keep your hands at the level of the groin. Should get a triangle whose sides are tape expander. Slowly follow swings in the direction of the left foot first, then right.

Exercises with expanders for the press

1. Stand - Standing. Fold the ribbon in half Expander. Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width. Insert the loop of the left foot. Left hand, grasp the expander at shoulder level, the remaining ends of the stretch across the shoulders and secure optimum tension of the right hand. Tilt the body to the left. By doing this exercise, make sure that the pelvis was immobile. Do not lean forward - just to the side! Take 10 tilts left and right.

2. Start out - Lying on his back. Legs raised and kept. Expander is fixed on the feet. Arms bent at the elbows, hands, while holding them expander ends are at chest level. Tear off the blades off the floor, exhale lower the straight leg. Try not to touch the floor with his heels. Exercise is slow. Start with a 10-wobble press, gradually increasing the load.

Rubber expander is attractive because women shows any weight at any age, but because of its compactness,exercises with expanders can be performed on a business trip or on vacation. It is no secret that from going to the gym many stops, first of all, self-doubt and fear of appearing ridiculous. Incidentally, these fears completely unfounded. Believe me, people go to exercise is not to discuss someone's shape. If you are not yet ready to live in a gym, exercise with expanders can be a full replacement for more complex simulators. Your beauty and health - in your hands, and female site JustLady always prompt the shortest path to the goal.

Elena Raichenko
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: news, videos, buttocks, picture, tape, hip, exercise, weight loss, compression, expander, expander