In order to prevent sagging skin and remove fat from the abdomen, begin to make masks along with diet or exercise - then you will be able to simultaneously lose weight and tighten the skin.
Mask to reduce belly
Mix the cream with one tablespoon dry yeast and two tablespoons of honey to the consistency of cream for the body and let it brew mixture for half an hour. Then add to the mix two or three drops of essential oils of geranium or verbena, how to mix and apply on the stomach. Rinse with warm water.
Clay mask to reduce waist circumference
Take half a kilo of black clay and add the water and stir until the consistency of sour cream. Add to the mix the coffee / honey / decoction of chamomile / essential oil. Of the proposed components, select the one that you like best. Mix well and apply the mixture on your stomach and waist area. Wrap with plastic wrap and hold the mask thirty minutes. Rinse with warm water massage movements.
Nettle mask for a flat stomach
Take two tablespoons of dried nettle and pour a glass of boiling water, then place the pail on a low heat and allow to cook for ten minutes. Allow broth to cool. Moisten a piece of gauze in broth or plain cloth and put it on her stomach. Cover with plastic wrap and cloth towel and soak for thirty minutes. Do not rinse the mask.
Firming mask
Take 15-25 grams of dry powder of brewer's yeast and mix them with half cup of heavy cream. Stir until smooth, add a half cup of warm liquid honey and stir again. Apply the mixture on your stomach massaged, hold for thirty minutes.
After applying the mask to make good hand massage or massage the abdomen and waist with a strong jet of water.