Imperfections in Hollywood: as the stars get rid of complexes?

Imperfections in Hollywood: as the stars get rid of complexes?
 The port complex life of their owner. They make life unbearable, distorting the human imagination in thinking about myself. They are not alien and well-known personalities: actors, models, athletes. To gain confidence in themselves and forget about their shortcomings, it is useful to know how the stars get rid of complexes.
 In Hollywood, the rules of beauty. If a person - star, his figure should be the minimum size does not have flaws in the form of cellulite, some sagging skin or wrinkles. But well-known personalities, like the rest of humanity, made of flesh and blood, so there are imperfections in Hollywood that are easy to get rid of any complexes imposed by others.

For example, the famous supermodel Tyra Banks, a leading television show "America's Next Top Model", in 2007 recovered to almost 50-gauge clothes. This caused an unhealthy excitement in the media, which made every effort to touch the star. But Tyra Banks did not go in the wake of a sharp tongue: she gave a competent and clear rebuff all attacks, saying he did not consider adequately the opinion that the girl should be supertoschey.

It offers girls are dissatisfied with their figure, to find a non disadvantages, and dignity. Tyra prefers not to put themselves in any box, be contented with what he has. She praises and love your body, such as it is, is it the individual characteristics. However, for the sake of career Tyra Banks has decided to slightly lose weight, exercise and adhere to the principles of healthy eating.

The imposition of standards does not pass and the other star, actress Kate Winslet. It gets rid of complexes, actively guiding the promotion of healthy lifestyle and natural beauty. It should be noted that Kate has never been thin. She believes that nature created it for what it is necessary, and do not see the need for plastic surgery or injections for rejuvenation. Actress banned even glossy magazines to make processing of the photos.

Star TV show Kim Kardashian - another imperfection Hollywood, maddening their forms at least half of the male population of the planet. It gets rid of complexes, openly acknowledging them. She says frankly about its holdings of cellulite, that loves to eat and do not want in anything limit.

Does not feel complexes and singer Pink. Media have repeatedly mentioned her boyish figure, inappropriate Hollywood standards of beauty. But the singer did not upset by such discussions. On the contrary, she tries in his work to tell people about the need to love yourself in any way. In this case, Pink actively involved in sports and watching their diet.

Another singer, Lee Anne Rice, tried to instill a complex about her thinness. But the media did not work. Star gets rid of complexes, stating that everyone has his own type of shape and its rate of weight gain. The man weighs as much as he wants. Lee Anne Rice does not neglect fitness and trying to do everything to enjoy herself.

Tags: star, actress, complex body, hollywood, imperfection