Separate food: recipes and dishes. Separate food menu

 The theory of a separate food was established physician-naturologom Herbert Shelton, who for many years studied the features of the physiology of digestion, based on experiments conducted in laboratories around the notorious Ivan Pavlov (probably all remember the dog). He was able to apply this knowledge to the people, after which more than 100 thousand. Patients entered the school doctor created a separate food and showed miracles of healing.

Under the heading Lose Weight Together: light diet

Important inseparate nutrition - menu. The fact is that when a person eats incompatible with each other food, digestion deteriorates and non-oxidizing carbohydrates and fats accumulate in the body and lead to obesity. Therefore, the main condition that must be observed - incompatibleseparate food dishesShould be consumed for at least two hours after the first eaten. Now you can easily find food compatibility table, which shows the illegal compatible and ideal combination.

If you decide to go to a separate power supply, you can do this at any time. Only we should start gradually, for example, one day a week to eat onlyseparate food dishes. And over time, you will feel the desire to fully switch to this method of food intake, get used to the combination of products and be able to feel the subtle taste of the food.

Advantages of a separate food are as follows - decreased intoxication, people drop those extra pounds and feels much better than it was before. If the switch completely to separate power supply, you can forget about excess weight.

Disadvantages of a separate food - an unusual mode of life, constant hunger and complex process of addiction. In addition, quite difficult to just enjoy the taste of food.

Basic rules:

1. Eat only when hungry.
To determine exactly what you're hungry, imagine a cracker, if it makes you want to eat it - then you want to eat.
2. The use of liquids.
Do not drink water 10 minutes before eating. If your diet includes fruits, you can drink water only half an hour after their use; food starch requires at least 2 hours, and eliminates the use of protein food intake of water for 4 hours.
3. Good chew and moisten the food with saliva.
4. Relax before and after meals.
5. During the meal, think only about good things.
6. Avoid overeating.
7. Separate food dishes should be as simple as possible.
8. temperature.
The temperature of the food should not be below room temperature, but not too hot, that is moderate.
9. Daily separate food menu must contain at least 50% of the crude plant food.
10. Fruit and berries.
It is an ideal food for humans, but they should be used separately from other products.
11. It is necessary to exclude and limit the consumption of the following products:
- Sugar and all the dishes based on it;
- Sausages and smoked products and pickles;
- Margarine, mayonnaise, refined oil;
- Tea, cocoa, coffee, soft drinks;
- Sluggish, stale fruits and vegetables;
- Canned, condensed and powdered milk.

Separate food: recipes and dishes. Separate food menu

Allseparate food dishes divided into groups, which combine products that are perfectly combined with each other and they can be used together.

Sweet fruits: bananas, dried fruits, persimmons, raisins, figs, dates, figs. Sweet fruit is recommended to use before meals. These fruits can be combined with dairy products, herbs or add porridge.

Sweet fruit: plums, apples, pears, berries, papaya, mango, watermelon, peaches compatible with sour and sweet fruit.

Sour fruits: lemons, oranges, tangerines, currants, grapefruit, pineapples, tomatoes - digested with semi-sweet fruits, cheeses, dairy products.

Vegetables: radish, radish, sweet peppers, garlic, carrots, cabbage, onions, cucumbers. These vegetables can be combined with any food other than milk.

Incompatible vegetables: squash, pumpkin, cauliflower, mature zucchini, eggplant. They can be combined with starch, herbs and vegetables. Avoid combination with meat and milk.

Starchyseparate food dishes: Pasta, bread, millet, oats, rice, buckwheat, millet grains, corn, potato, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke. They can be combined with any vegetables, herbs.

Proteins: meat, fish, cheese, cottage cheese, beans, mushrooms. You can consume with vegetables and herbs.

Fats: margarine, oils, nuts, fatty cheeses, fatty fish, bacon, sour cream. It is believed that fatty foods retard the formation of gastric juice, so it is not combined with other fat products. The only exceptions are vegetables and herbs.

Green: green onions, lettuce, parsley, nettle, sorrel, coriander, dill, basil and so on. Green is compatible with all products, except for milk.

Sugar: jam, jam, honey, sugar. Many general rule consumption of sugar, but if it can not be without, the better to eat sweets as a separate meal.

Here are some dishes that you can include inseparate food menu.

Porridge with apples
Very simple and tasty dish.
In a saucepan, pour any cereals (preferably wheat, oats or rice), put the sugar to taste and finely chop the apple. Pour all the ingredients with water and cook until tender, do not forget to stir periodically. The dish is ready!

Mushroom Salad
Take mushrooms, small onion, green peas, spices, salt, vegetable oil. Mushrooms fry in oil with spices. In a salad bowl, place green peas, mushrooms, finely chopped onion, salt and mix.

 Tatiana Tkachenko
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: meal, magazine, eggplant, diet, food, recipe