Organic food: health or purse?

 Organic, eco-friendly, bio food - is, in fact, different names of the same phenomenon. More concerned about their health, the environment, and, importantly, the gastronomic quality of food people choose products made according to specific standards. They clearly monitored at all stages of production: the growing, harvesting, processing and packaging. Organic products returned to us food at its best and forgotten as, but, alas, do not free it. Women's magazine JustLady understands, for what is worth paying, and what better not to trust.

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What is organic food?

Organic products Power is fully guaranteed and free of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, additives, provoking accelerated growth and development of genetically modified ingredients. Organic-finished food products (sauces, beverages, baked goods and so forth.) Do not contain fragrances, preservatives, stabilizers, flavor enhancers and other synthetic additives. Whether or not to specify that all these "ceremony" costly to the manufacturer and affect the price of organic food.

Organic food: health or purse?

Bio-products - is not only vegetable raw materials (vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, etc.), but also meat and poultry, dairy products, and eggs. Accordingly to animal also apply specific requirements: ladybugs, mumps and chicken receive only organic food, they do not make hormone injections, mammals and birds is forbidden to give food by-products of slaughter and low-quality forage from unclarified or improper source. In short,organic products Food products are considered completely natural origin, are not exposed to synthetic chemistry and in several "generations."

Of course, this entails certain features that may at first seem strange. For example, organic products shorter shelf life - affects the rejection of "refreshing" nitrates and preservatives. In addition, it is difficult to disagree with the fact that bio-food has a more pronounced and specific flavor than its counterparts averaged supermarket shelves. Well finishedOrganic Products because of the "lack" of flavorings and colorings are different "strange" look and smell. But bio-products can boast a very interesting range: to diversify and make it more attractive, farmers are paying attention to natural selection in the best traditions of Michurin. So there are unusual varieties of vegetables usual, characterized by their shape, color, taste. Into previously less common culture: for example, over the past few years become very popular gluten-free cereals amaranth and quinoa.

Who choosesOrganic Products? Very different audience: the adherents of a healthy diet, vegetarians, and environmentalists, and gourmets, and ordinary moms and dads who are concerned nutritional status of their children. As well as suffering from food allergies - the practice shows that with the use of organic food likelihood of an allergic reaction, both primary and secondary, is reduced by several times.

Organic food in the West: personal health food supplier

On-one expert estimates, the global market for organic foods is growing steadily. The most popular organic-food uses in the United States, Japan, Europe (especially Germany and Italy, which will not only cover their internal needs for healthy and delicious food, but also provide the lion's share of world exports of bio-products). Environmentally friendly food abroad now costs an average of one-third more expensive than usual, but it is becoming more accessible thanks to government subsidies, favorable tax regime for producers, development of specialized retailers and department of organic food in the "regular" grocery stores.

Organic food: health or purse?

'Organic' offered goods is determined by a special Certification Commission, which examines the quality of raw materials at all stages of its production, and gives the manufacturer the right to apply a special bio-marking («ECO», «BIO», «AB», «DEMETER», «ORGANIC» and et al., depending on the rules adopted in the country). For example, in Europe ecological purity of food is determined by the regulations "pan-European agreement on organic production of agricultural products" on June 24, 1991.

In European countries, for many years the system of so-called "bio-tickets", which are increasingly urban families. Her comfort in the fact that it allows the user to regularly receive the required amount of vegetables, fruits, meat, cereals, dairy products, biologically controlled origin, and the manufacturer with the stability and predictability of sales. The essence of the subscription in the fact that by signing it, you are responsible for a certain period of time (say, once a week or twice a month) to buy a certain amount of production - for example, three kilograms of meat, two liters of dairy products, five pounds of potatoes and three kilograms of vegetables and fruits. The goods are delivered directly to your home.
Organizations providing "bio-tickets", usually work with a number of regional agricultural producers, and have websites or regularly reissued directories where the subscriber services can see the range and specify your next order, specifying exactly which meat or vegetables it wants to get as part of its subscription at this time. Separately arranged, is not it?

Organic food in Russia, eco-food - a luxury item

Unlike the US and European countries, in Russia a single standard of production and sales of eco-products is not accepted, although such procedures exist in our former neighbors in the Soviet Union - Moldova and Armenia. We do not have and state regulation and support of "clean" agriculture. Although, curiously, there are taken about two years ago SanPin rules concerning the requirements for organic food. There are detailed what should and what should not be in the bio-food, but, unfortunately, does not specify who should check these correspondences and how.

And as long as the situation develops in three two possible scenarios. Economy richer and poudachlivee seek the opportunity to get matching foreign certification agencies (it is not prohibited, on the contrary, the products quality is confirmed in this way, are exported abroad), and smaller and do not have a generous investors use to market dealers or kolkhoz markets, and "certificate reliability "get some help with the" word of mouth "- people talk about a good product to relatives, friends and acquaintances. Something where we can organize a semblance of a regular supply - for example, many urban families now receive under the arrangement meat, poultry, vegetables, milk, eggs, from farmers to respect the basic principles of the production of bio-products, and has earned the trust of consumers.

Well, a third scenario can be called "imposture". Not wanting to waste time messing with certificates, but, realizing thatOrganic Products this is what people are looking for and buy some manufacturers at your own risk applied to them labeled "bio", "organic" and so forth. Alas, trust these brands - a very complex issue, and often the use of environmental terminology is under a just marketing base.

Alas, all this bears little resemblance to the European system of "bio-tickets", about which we spoke above. And opens in the capitals of organic food stores, in fact, little different from "food boutiques" where people with money are purchased above average. This is not surprising - basically they sell foreign BIO-certified products. Composition and quality of the few domestic products organic, that hit the shelves of specialty delis, confirmed by foreign commissions, which means that their value is almost no lower than zabugornyh analogues, as manufacturers are forced to include the cost of registration certificates in the price. As a result, more expensive than conventional basket ekoproduktovaya even several tens of percent and in some times. It is clear that in this situation the freedom of choice constrained, and those who are not willing to pay several times more, but wants to eat quality, trade-offs. 

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: product, health, nutrition