Oatmeal diet

 If you treat lover of cereals, oatmeal and especially if you have problems with your stomach or intestines, this diet is just for you. To prepare the porridge can be used as regular oatmeal, cereal and noodles. Women's magazine offers you JustLady just two types of oat diet. You can choose for themselves one thing, but you can try and do both, the result was not long in coming.

In the category Women's Health: Bruxism in adults, causes and treatment. Grinding his teeth in his sleep

Well, if you do not like oatmeal since childhood, and sit on such a diet you can make only an urgent need in the form of diseases of the stomach or the other, but a very strong case?

Then I suggest we find out what is the use ofoatmeal diet.
Oatmeal contains antioxidants that are essential to your body to maintain immunity and protection from the harmful effects of the environment. Magnesium, which is rich, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and helps to calm inflammation.

Alsooatmeal contains a lot of fiber, which is indispensable for metabolic processes, detoxification and accumulation of harmful organism, normalizes the bowels.
Calcium and phosphorus are very necessary to the body as a building material, and means for strengthening bones.

Oatmeal a rich source of iron - trace elements, which allows to maintain the desired level of hemoglobin in the blood, and B vitamins, which prevent skin diseases.
As shown by recent studies, oatmeal also contains special fibers that promote the excretion of excess cholesterol.
In general, as you can see, grits useful for almost all organs and systems, so that you can start today.

Oatmeal diet

Oatmeal diet. Option One

First, within a few days is necessary to conduct via purgation rice broth.
It is prepared as follows.
 4 tbsp. l. rice to pour a liter of water and leave overnight. In the morning, the mixture should be a good boil on low heat until the water has turned into something like a jelly (40-60 minutes). This decoction to drink and not to eat anything for the next five hours.

Then you can eat as usual, but it is better not to overeat and do not lean on fat. For five hours before bedtime can not be loaded stomach nothing but pure water without gas. This purification can not be carried out continuously. It is better if you want to repeat in six months.

After cleansing can beginOatmeal diet. To do this, boil porridge on the water without any seasoning (salt, sugar, oil) and eat it throughout the day.
If you want variety, or you feel that you still hungry, add to the diet of fresh fruit. Just do not eat them kilograms - know the measure.

If you adhere strictly tooatmeal diet, The actual result of the week to get rid of 3-5 kilos. However, remember - diet is designed for a month, and if you want to repeat it, it can be done no earlier than six months.
Through this oatmeal diet you not only lose weight, but also and heal stomach. Oatmeal is known to have protective action. That helps to protect the stomach from harmful factors.

If this method seems too radical to you, you can try another.

Oatmeal diet. Option Two

This option is less hard, because in contrast to the first, there are vegetables, meat, dairy products. Therefore, thisOatmeal Diet can be used for a longer time.

2 tbsp. l. oatmeal, pour a glass of buttermilk and let stand for about 10 minutes This is the main dish for breakfast. You can still drink a cup of green tea or coffee with milk (skim).

Lunch Time.
For lunch you can eat a portion of soup. But it takes to cook lean meat, such as beef. If you prefer chicken, remove the skin from it. Potatoes in the soup can not be added.
You need to replace all of the same soup oatmeal with yogurt.

For dinner, prepare yourself salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and fat-free yogurt with olive oil. Also allows you to eat scrambled eggs or an omelet.

As you can see, the diet is not so hard. In the soup, you can add any vegetables except potatoes. Drink any suit, but without the sugar and preferably without gas.
If you really want, you can sweeten the drink a teaspoon of honey.
And the most important rule - the last meal at six o'clock in the evening.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Ambassador, stomach, diet, oatmeal, review, flakes, hungry