How to choose a diet against depression

How to choose a diet against depression
 Often during a depressed person loses not only the desire to actively live and enjoy the world around him, but the appetite. However, if he is determined to get out of the doldrums and make everything possible for that, he must think about food. It plays an important role in the fight against depression.

Nutritionists recommend included in the diet of people who are in despair and anguish, foods rich in vitamins B and E, and folic acid, tryptophan and selenium, which are antidepressant agents.
Emotional background, according to nutritionists, stabilize the following products:
- Poultry, beef liver;
- Seafood and fish (especially trout, tuna, sardines and mackerel);
- Eggs;
- Dairy products and milk;
- Vegetables. Especially green (asparagus, celery, peas, onions pen), as well as red and orange (tomatoes, carrots, beets, bell peppers);
- Fruit (all citrus fruits, bananas and kiwi) and berries (grapes, cranberries, black currants);
- Legumes (lentils, beans);
- Nuts, wheat bran;
- Spices and seasoning (basil, tarragon, rosemary);
- Dark (bitter) chocolate;
- Herbal tea (brewed with boiling water mint, St. John's wort, oregano, plantain, wild rose).

But the list of products that are prohibited for use in a period of depression:
- Any alcoholic beverages;
- White bread (including muffins and cakes);
- Carbonated drinks and coffee
- Any fatty foods (sandwiches with sausage, butter, soups, burgers, kebabs and stew of pork, rice, etc.).

Diet offered by nutritionists for people suffering from depression, is designed for 5-7 days. Approximate menu for the day is as follows.

First breakfast: one hard-boiled egg or scrambled, bread with hard cheese and parsley, hot tea with 30 g of chocolate.
Lunch: tangerine and kiwi yogurt with the addition of grated nuts.
Lunch: salad of cucumber and tomato with cheese, seasoned with vegetable oil, braised turkey with vegetables, bananas in whipped cream.
Snack: 1 cup of mint tea with black currant jam.
Dinner: salad of asparagus and beans seasoned with vegetable oil or sour cream, baked trout with cheese, hot chocolate, a slice of cake or tart.
Before going to bed: 1 cup of tea from St. John's wort and mint.

Why can not during the depression alcohol and coffee? The fact that these drinks provoked almost immediate release of serotonin in the brain - a substance that scientists call "the secret code of happiness." It is not enough serotonin person during the depression, and it would seem, we must deliver it to him in any way. It turns out that it is not necessary and is not any. Because the jump, the release then falling sharply, and the person in need of a new portion. Dependence may occur quickly and quietly. Thus, depression can be smoothly go into binge or start to consume coffee dal. But there will come a time when serotonin stop spray out under the influence of these stimulants, requiring new and more powerful. So artificial challenge of serotonin from the brain with depression can not cope. That's why doctors seriously warn of the dangers of these drinks.

Tags: depression, diet, antidepressant