Ginger to help losing weight

Ginger to help losing weight
 Ginger has many beneficial properties for the body. It is believed that its use improves memory, complexion, uplifting and invigorating, relieves nausea, helps with colds, stimulates the immune system, cleanses the digestive tract of toxins, etc. And this is a very popular way to combat overweight.
 Ginger can be seen on sale as an oil, cereals, root powder, chocolate and sugar-coated. These spices are supplied mainly from India, China and Jamaica.

Ginger root has a very pleasant tart flavor. It tastes slightly bitter and pungent. It is proved that gingerol, a substance which is part of the ginger, improves blood circulation, normalization and speed up metabolism. Perhaps because the food in the stomach with ginger digested faster, less stagnant in the intestine.

Expect that if you now enter into the diet ginger, then tomorrow will lose weight, at least, naive. To start still try to reduce the number of pieces of candy eaten, more are active in movements, and then Ginger is a wonderful assistant in the diet.

If you've never tried ginger, buy a small piece of the sample. Peel, slice and cut posmakuyte. Can put a slice in the usual tea, add lemon and a spoonful of sugar or honey (if the tea is not very hot). If you do not like, try to cook with ginger any dish. You must please his zest and delicate flavor. Lose weight in company with delicious food twice as nice. And you can just before a meal to eat a mixture of grated teaspoon ginger, lemon juice and a little salt - the experts assure that the process of digestion accelerate.

Brewed ginger tea can be used not only with lemon and honey, but also with other herbs - chamomile, mint, lemon balm, leaves cranberries. This is even more useful for improving the performance of the liver, kidney, skin conditions. But there is one condition: it is not necessary at the outset to be zealous with such teas, because you can get nausea, heartburn and irritation in the mouth. Two cups of tea a day will be enough.

Ginger tea can be prepared in the following manner. Cut the root of thin strips, cover with cold clean water, bring to a boil over low heat and cook for another quarter of an hour. When the broth has cooled to body temperature, add the honey and lemon juice to taste. Or try this recipe: take a piece of ginger length of about 4 cm, two cloves of garlic and two quarts of boiling water. Let the mixture brew in a thermos quarter of an hour, strain and take throughout the day.

Very tasty and useful salad of ginger for weight loss. There it is recommended fasting days. To prepare the salad, take 10 grams of ginger, carrot 30 g, 20 g baked beets, 20 g of lemon, orange peel 10 grams, the same amount of celery and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil.

The use of ginger, unlike many other spices, has almost no contraindications. You can not eat it, but if you are taking any "thinners" blood such as aspirin, at a stomach ulcer in the acute stage, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Tags: ginger, diet, help, way, weight loss