Diet with tomato juice

Diet with tomato juice
 Tomato juice is recognized by dietitians one of the most useful diet. It plurality vitamins B and C, as sucrose and glucose, many useful minerals. As part of the tomato juice calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, manganese, selenium, chromium and fluorine, and other substances. In this nizkokalorien drink, so you can drink without any restrictions (except for those who are contraindicated due to some disease). Naturally, tomato juice is included in various diets for weight loss and even became the basis for one of them.  
 We must remember that any diet to reduce weight, which is strictly limited range of products, are short-term and can be used for no longer than a week and no more than once a year.

Diet with tomato juice is one of them. Every day should drink 1 liter of tomato juice.

1st day

Six medium-sized potatoes cooked in their skins and eat during the day without salt. Permission is granted to water, tea and coffee without sugar. 1 liter of tomato juice.

Day 2
For the whole day a pound of fat-free cottage cheese, juice, tea, coffee. Sugar and salt are excluded.

Day 3
A kilo of apples or other fruits, except bananas and grapes in combination with juice, water, tea and coffee.

4th day
500 grams of chicken breast, cooked without salt (you can dry seasoning). Else - unchanged.

Day 5
700 grams of dried fruit (except figs, bananas and raisins), juice, tea, water and coffee.

6th day
A pound of fat-free yogurt (not sweet, no additives) for the whole day. Tomato juice, tea, coffee.

7th day
In addition to the usual set - a pound of boiled or baked fish.

This strict diet can be used when an urgent need to get rid of one or two extra pounds before an important event. The result of the return to normal feeding regime goes out quickly, the weight comes back. Longer use the diet, you should not, because it is not enough nutrients and calories, it can also be harmful to the stomach.

Very important note - the benefits of a diet is only if you use natural tomato juice, it is best prepared person, and, of course, no salt.

 Author: Andrei Yakovlev

Tags: juice diet