Diet: what to eat to lose weight

Diet: what to eat to lose weight
 Eat and lose weight - the dream of every woman. But is this unattainable dream? Internet is full of offers to choose the perfect diet that guarantees weight loss of up to 5 pounds per week. It should be easy to answer the test questions and send sms, best dietitians say what three - five products for you to be excluded from the diet to lose weight once and for all. So what to eat to lose weight?

Products with "negative" calories

There are some foods that contain very few calories, but their processing body needs more energy than it has received. It is these products have obtained the status of "negative calorie". Some of these are: celery, asparagus, blueberries, apples, mangoes, cantaloupe, cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, grapefruit and almost all citrus fruits.This is not to say that if you eat a dozen cakes and grapefruit, the calorie cakes because of this will be zero. Do not forget that all foods contain calories, just for processing some body energy requires more than he received from these products. With negative calorie foods contain a lot of water and fiber, as they include almost all citrus fruits, vitamin C. They support the body during the diet, but can not themselves be the basis of the daily diet.

There are diets, the diet which includes only the "negative" products. This is often short-term monodiets, capable of inflicting great harm to the body if you stick to them for a long time.

The power supply system

"To lose weight, you should eat! "- Boldly states Catherine Mirimanova, the author of the" Minus 60 ". The basis of the system of weight loss is the absence of any restrictions except "conditionally-time" .Podschet calorie and low-calorie diets

Low-calorie diets have become a classic way to remove the extra inches.

Counting calories at the same time the easiest and the most difficult way to lose weight. The simplicity of this method of losing weight is that we are not required to show the wonders of resistance and have a will of iron, just eat less.

From on the other hand counting calories requires to conduct special food diary, weighing products and often ends up easier not to eat anything than to count constantly, and all conversations are reduced to a discussion of caloric intake.

In any case, do not "prescribe" a low-calorie diet itself independently. Such a diet should be selected individually by nutritionists because it can cause substantial harm to the health, both physical and mental. Only a doctor is able to monitor the compliance ZHBU balance necessary for normal life.

Low-Carb Diets

At one time, these diets have become a real revolution in the field of nutrition and weight loss. They are more effective than low-fat. Diets based on a reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates, helps the body to draw energy from its own fat reserves, rather than from the food it receives. Important in this diet are foods high in protein. Here are some of these products, which reduced carbohydrate content:

Meat: lean beef, beef liver, poultry, ham, veal.

Fish and seafood: tuna, trout, salmon, small cod, herring, mackerel, platus, sardines.

Of dairy products in this list includes low-fat cheese, but the vegetables and herbs - almost everything.

Low-carb diet requires adaptation of the organism, which will take about 2 weeks. Weight on this diet will not go away quickly, but a chance that dropped pounds return almost zero.

Whichever way to lose weight you choose, do not forget that in the pursuit of desired parameters is very easy to lose the main thing - health.

Tags: calorie, weight, health, diet, injury count