Benefits of soup. New spring diet

 Soup - one of the oldest culinary inventions of mankind. Nourishing or a light, transparent or soup - each of us has a favorite recipe for this perfect dish that combines a food and drink. In addition, the soup brings health: it is well absorbed, improves lymphatic drainage and gives a pleasant feeling of satiety for a long, making it an excellent dietary product. Women's magazine JustLady praises fragrant dish and shares her favorite recipes useful soups.

Under the heading Lose Weight Together: Emotional hunger

Health in each spoon

Soup is primarily physiological food. His consistency greatly facilitates the body work on the digestion of the product, for this reason it is important to include in the daily menu of soups in the prevention and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Nutritionists adviseeat soup at any time from noon till evening. Nutritional value of soup, of course, is completely dependent on its ingredients. Meat and bean soups are rich in protein, soups, pasta, potatoes, rice - in carbohydrates. Vegetable soups are particularly useful due to the fact that they contain the products are used together with the rich in vitamins and minerals liquid in which they were cooked.

I'll take the soup, you scoop it with a spoon from the plate and put your mouth. Swallow. Again scoop spoon. This - the right tempo meal. Soup is impossible to "swallow", as is the case with a sandwich or sausage. Therefore, saturation occurs already in the process of eating, the brain and the stomach time to share information, and, after dinner, even relatively small portion of soup, you feel satisfied and full.

Delicious Diet

Seasonal soups with fresh spring vegetables - an invaluable source of vitamins, and, most importantly, plant antioxidants necessary to strengthen the immune system and cancer prevention: indoles, lycopene, saponin, quercetin and glutathione. Do not forget that the vegetables are rich in fiber, which improves intestinal peristalsis and relieves the body of toxins. Delicate spring soup from carrots, beans, spinach, celery and beet sprouts, leeks, herbs permanently fill the stomach, avoiding overload.

Soup Diet - The latest European trends. Its essence is that at lunch and dinner you eat light (in vegetable broth) soups, and if hunger makes itself felt between eating, you satisfy its additional cup of soup. Experienced a diet for yourself lost 3 kg during the week, tasty and varied eating.

You can cook two different soup for dinner and lunch and, of course, soups need to be alternated to diet has been a joy. Standard breakfast for a soup diet is as follows:

Coffee, black or herbal tea, a slice of wholemeal bread with a thin layer of low-fat spread. To this choice:

- 40 grams of chicken or turkey breast, boiled or smoked
- 40 g lean ham
- 2 tablespoons cottage cheese
- 2 tablespoons cottage cheese with fruit (not finished curd mass!)

For snacks, in addition to extra servings of soup, you can use:

- A cocktail of 150 ml of milk 1, 5% fat or soy milk with instantons oat or wheat flakes
- 200 ml of whey (you can add fruit juice)
- 200 grams of fresh fruit (apples, pears, kiwi, cantaloupe, grapefruit).

In addition, for the harmonization of metabolism should drink at least 1, 5 liters of clean water without gas and limit your intake of tea and coffee.

At lunchtime soup is recommended to supplement a portion of salad (any kind of lettuce, watercress, cucumber), seasoned sauce 1 tsp oil and ½ tsp lemon juice or balsamic vinegar. Raw food optimizes the absorption of vitamins and the "Start" program for the production of digestive enzymes, which will use the value contained in the soup is particularly effective substances.

Favorite spring soups JustLady:

Lymphatic drainage soup green beans with squash (zucchini)

150g green beans, a medium-sized zucchini, a couple of stalks of green onions or more petals bear onion, 1 clove garlic, mint, parsley, olive oil, 1 liter of water.

Beans cut into cubes 2-3 cm long, zucchini - cubes. Dipped in boiling salted water and cook for about 20 minutes. Turn off the heat, season the soup pressure clove of garlic, chopped onions and herbs, a tablespoon of olive oil, cover and let stand for 7-10 minutes.

Magic cabbage soup with mushrooms

10 grams of dried mushrooms (preferably white), 300 g cabbage, 150 grams of carrots, 3 sticks of celery, 2 young onion, 1 green pepper pod, 1 small jar of tomatoes in juice, black pepper, 2 bay leaves, a pinch of nutmeg, bundle of chives.

Mushrooms soaked in 200 ml of warm water for 15-20 minutes. Cabbage release from the veins, chop. Bulbs cut into half rings, peppers and carrots - diced. Boil 800 ml of water, add the vegetables (except mushrooms) and tomatoes, season with pepper and bay leaf. Rinse mushrooms in a colander, coarsely chopped, add to the pot. Boil all together for about 20 minutes, then add the olive oil, promeshat well, remove from heat and season with nutmeg. Serve with chopped chives.

Vitamin soup of sorrel and spinach

200g spinach 150g sorrel, 1 young onion, olive oil, 2 tablespoons butter, 2 tablespoons white flour, egg, pine nuts.
In a pan with olive oil fry finely chopped onion, add carefully washed and chopped spinach, pour a glass of water, simmer for 10 minutes. Separately, a small amount of water stew sorrel, spinach add, add about 1 liter of water to boil for 15 minutes, then rubbed through a sieve or pyurirovat blender. In the pan quickly fry 2 tablespoons 2 tbsp flour in butter, mix with soup. Serve with boiled egg halves and pine nuts.

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: diet, the use of