Vitamins Sun

Vitamins Sun
 Smooth, nice tan - it is fashionable. That's why we strive to "fire" the sunshine of the southern seas, and if you can not go - to visit a solarium, rubbed with special tools. But the Rays, giving the skin a nice shade, and can cause irreparable harm. To sunbathe with minimal risk to health and get long-lasting tan, you need to stick to the right diet.

The fact that the melanin - the pigment responsible for tanning stimulate vitamins present in some foods. If you regularly use these products in food, can be long lasting tan, to ensure that it was a beautiful shade.

Thus, the need for a perfect tan tryptophan and tyrosine. These amino acids leads to increased melanin production in the body. Indispensable for all sunbathers and beta-carotene. After all, he is not only deposited in the skin, giving it a beautiful shade, but also protects cell membranes from free radicals Aging. Performs the same function and vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. From sunburn and skin dryness protects selenium. Reduces the susceptibility of the skin to the aggressive action of the sun lycopene.

All these elements are contained in many products are available to anyone. Before going to the beach a good idea to drink a glass of carrot juice. Then the resulting tan will remain for a long time. Apricots help tan faster, and tan as they used to be more smooth and bright. The same effect has a melon. Grapes - an excellent antioxidant, it protects the skin from aging caused by excessive radiation.

Lycopene is found in tomatoes, tomato juice so great UV protection and help tan pretty quickly. To get a tan bronze to eat spinach. Also help to sunbathe quickly and without harm to the health of watermelon, broccoli, meat, liver, fish and seafood.

In addition, recently went on sale special dietary supplements for sunbathing. This, for example, Tang Natur. Supplements provide the body with all the elements contributing to sunburn. Capsules should start taking more of the 15 days before exposure to the sun - 1-2 per day. During an active sunbathing should drink 2-3 capsules.

Tags: tan, vitamin, melanin