October: boosts immunity and energizes

 What to do for yourself, a loved one, in the midst of autumn, to be on our toes and do not catch cold. On the pages of women's magazine recipes JustLady enhance immunity.

Struggling with autumn sleepiness

In October, the sun wakes us less and less. And we become lethargic and sleepy. Not enough ultraviolet radiation. And with him vitamin D. So lean on its natural resources - at least twice a week to cook dishes with fatty species of fish (tuna, mackerel, salmon, herring), cod liver oil.

Quickly stimulate the body citrus acid. Make it a rule every morning to eat half a grapefruit, mandarin orange or a couple. Take a refreshing facials and body with lemon juice.

To build a dream on the night well take the soothing herbal drugs with sedative effect: valerian, motherwort, peony, lemon balm, and in the morning - stimulants: Chinese magnolia vine, ginseng, Siberian ginseng.

Keep up the pressure - in the morning it can be reduced. Therefore it is better to replace the morning coffee strong and sweet black tea. Tannins contained in it, will give courage for a longer time than caffeine. To stimulate brain activity can be added glycine tablet.

And the most crucial and requires hard work is planned on the middle of the day - from 12 to 15 hours.

Surround ourselves with aromas

Our body reacts to a very lively smells. So, to increase efficiency and reduce fatigue will best help the aromas of citrus, ylang-ylang, cinnamon, mint and rosemary.

Take at bedtime warm bath with lavender, juniper, pine needles, Get a little aroma lamp. And, you can pour a little oil in the healing kulonchik-amulet, and periodically to him sniff.

Also feel in good shape will help the spirits with an aromatic range of citrus, ginger and green tea.

Helping immunity

Do not lean without the need for medicines stimulants! Safer natural adaptogens: ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, Rhodiola rosea, Eleutherococcus, garlic, echinacea tincture. They activate the metabolism and have a general tonic effect on the autonomic and endo-Crean system.

Eat selenium. This trace element to support the immune system. "Get" you can from it: an option for gourmets - truffles, dry red wine, oysters; option is easier - a bag of pistachios, porcini soup, clusters of grapes.

Drink tomato juice - it increases the concentration required for immunity vitamin A in all cells of the body. Zinc is also important - they are rich in seafood products from the raw grains, brewer's yeast.

We handle the nerves

In autumn, many reduced emotional background, bad mood for no reason, it is somehow disturbing to the soul. Let's try to fix it.

To remove the alarm ideal water treatment. For example, the famous "dog torturer" Academician Pavlov, when nervous, always rinse your hands in a bowl of cold water. And hold your hands under running cold water - even better. Such a simple auditory training: wash their hands from the elbow to the palm, as if washing with water, their anxiety and sad thoughts.

Meditate. Get away, sit in any comfortable position for you, close your eyes and call for help the most pleasant images of your heart.

- Stock up on items with relaxing music, carry your favorite perfume to cheer up.

- To feed your intellect (dullness - the first one depression). And something so that the brain will be a long time to digest and enjoy, apart from the sadness and fill you with creative energy. Is that fair, cinema, concerts, ballet - it does not matter. The main thing - a positive, constructive feeling. Because intelligent "menu" is constructed so that it was the most sweet and bitter at least.

We go to the gym

Sport activities should be physiological for a relaxing, "fading" time of year. It is best suited for this purpose walking, jogging, swimming, gymnastics with components of yoga, martial arts. By strengthening activities should be approached very carefully.

If the whole day sitting at the computer, and then got into the car, drove to the fitness club and rushed into the room strength training equipment "iron push" no good would come. Nor for the heart - a sharp jump from complete rest to supernagruzki may bring before the attack, nor for the brain - if you try to remove a strong mental stress as strong physically, you feel tired out horse in all respects.

Need tonic load on a treadmill, stationary bike (and other simulators that are in "kardiozale").

Elena Ionova

Tags: October, immunity, energy