Intimate care: the most important rules of intimate care area

Intimate care: the most important rules of intimate care area
 Intimate hygiene - a delicate, but very important part of hygiene, and knowledge and observance of the basic rules and nuances not only help preserve the health of the reproductive system, but also affect the overall condition of the body.

One of the basic rules of personal hygiene is an intimate performance of the toilet at least twice a day - morning and evening, but do not forget about it and after every intimacy. To avoid various troubles and inflammation wash private parts need only warm water. In addition, when podmyvanii not use a sponge or washcloth and ordinary soap.

The major cosmetics for personal hygiene should be a gel and soap for personal hygiene, which contain substances that contribute to the maintenance of acid-base balance and moisturizing ingredients. If you can not use gel or soap, you can use special wipes.

After completion of hygiene delicate place do not need to wipe - just wet with a towel. By the way, each family member should have its own private towel.

In order to protect themselves from unnecessary microorganisms and potential infections, need to wash their hands after using the toilet, not only, but also to his visit. In addition, after using the toilet, it is desirable to wipe the intimate zone wipes.

Another method of protection from unwanted diseases - the right choice of underwear. Both men and women should not give preference too tight underwear model. It is necessary to abandon the clothes made of synthetic materials.

Additional rules of female intimate hygiene rules should include the use of pads and tampons. So as not to harm your body, panty liners should be changed at least twice a day. During menstruation pads should be changed 5-6 times during the day, even if they are not completely filled. As for the tampon, it is best to use them only in extreme cases and only in the early days of the onset of menstruation. And you must not change them at least once per 4 hours.

Tags: system, health care area, a procedure Care